Latin American countries demand cessation of violence in Nicaragua



Twelve countries of Latin America, including Costa Rica, Honduras, Argentina, Brazil and the United States. Uruguay, demanded in a joint declaration on "Immediate cessation of acts of violence" in Nicaragua and "dismantling of military groups".

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay have published a joint statement issued by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The governments of these 12 Latin American countries denounced the "violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms" which took place in in Nicaragua .

In this line, they demanded the cessation of violence against Nicaraguan society, the dismantling of paramilitary groups and called for the reactivation of the national dialogue.

These countries condemned in addition to the violence that caused the "loss of more than 300 lives and hundreds of injuries", as well as the "repression" against students and civilians. the statement issued by the Brazilian Chancellery.

In turn, they took the opportunity to call upon the Nicaraguan government, as well as other social actors to engage and participate in peaceful negotiations.

"Including the strengthening of democratic institutions, the implementation of the recommendations of the Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the holding of free, fair elections and timely, in an environment without fear, intimidation, threats or violence, "concludes the text.


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