Latin American enthusiasts support AMLO … and in Spain they assure that he will be president of Mexico


BOGOTÁ (apro) .- Former Presidents of Argentina, Cristina Fernández; Colombia, Ernesto Samper, and Ecuador, Rafael Correa, voiced Friday their support for Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom they view as a politician attached to social justice

. exmandatarios – recognized leaders of the Latin American left – highlighted the options for change that would open in Mexico and the region with a possible victory of López Obrador in the July 1st elections.

The Colombian Ernesto Samper, who led his country between 1994 and 1998, was the Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), stated [19] 459011] Apro that a victory of the candidate Morena would reinvigorate the process of Latin American integration, lethargic after the return of the right to power in several countries of the region

Always on Twitter, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa (2007-2017), founder of the left-wing party Alianza País, published an image accompanied by the following text:

And Argentine President Cristina Fernández wrote in her account of this social network:

In Colombia, the Progressive presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, who got eight million votes in the elections of Two years ago, he transmitted on his Twitter account an aerial photograph of the closing of the campaign of Morena's leader at Estadio Azteca on Wednesday 27, and commented:

In another message, Petro wrote on a picture of Morena's candidate at the Aztec event:

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