Latin American Music Awards 2018: Gloria Trevi remembered her "aggressor", Sergio Andrade, amidst tears | Video Trade | Lights | Music


Gloria Trevi he played in one of the most commented moments of the 2018 Latin American Music Award remember the case that led her to jail and her "aggressor", Sergio Andrade.

The Mexican singer was invited as one of the awards hostesses because the gala would be dedicated to women in the entertainment industry and would allow them to make their voices heard in favor of equality. It is in this context that in the middle of the ceremony, the interpreter "Everybody looks at me" was left alone on stage and gave a speech in which, recounting her case, she explained how to judge the women who say they are victims. d & # 39; abuse.

Gloria Trevi, who was jailed in the early 2000s with his partner and representative, Sergio Andrade, for sexually abusing minors, claimed to have been used as a "smokescreen" to conceal the news of the "Juarez death" and regretted that the lies that have been pronounced during the judicial proceedings are persecuting her to this day.

"Maybe those who see me and do not know me have heard thousands of stories about me, including the fact that I was in jail." Four years, eight months and eight days have cost the Mexican justice to recognize my innocence. The women of Juarez, that is how the crimes are hidden, they have spent thousands of hours of television programs saying that I had a minor corruption clan, and how these people were aware of the marketing to pass the Trevi in ​​front of "X" (in reference to Sergio Andrade). And I said X & # 39; because it was in my life. He was neither my creator nor my discoverer, because with him or without him I showed that I am Gloria Trevi, "he said.

The singer continues to remember that thousands of women are chosen to have "raised their voices" and that they are more social condemnations than those who actually punish true "predators".

"Today, my attacker is free and not only hurting me but also to many other young people.It is very likely that he continues to do it.I am moved because I know that some of his victims are watching me and I'm also dedicating that moment to them, and they say that such a repeated lie becomes true, but that I was not his accomplice! "said the artist.

A recognized teenager
Gloria Trevi continued to tell how her dark story began with Sergio Andrade.

"I was 15 years old and a 12-year-old mentality when I met the big producer who immediately sought to become a mirage of love and claimed to be my only chance to achieve my dreams, so that I started isolating myself little by little, "he began.

"I was 15 when I started living with manipulations, beatings, screams, abuses, punishments … and it was 17 years of humiliation and did not you do not deceive, because in these cases, the years are not favorable to our maturity, they clash against us, breaking every day However, during these years, I thought I was strong
and hide my very reality from my parents. I had more compassion of the type (Sergio Andrade) than of me. At that time, I put my old shoes, my stockings less broken than my soul, loose hair and head in the air, I went to work, as do many women, "he said. declared with tears in his eyes.

"And I wrote in my songs the world I wanted for us, but I also sang to them what I lived and suffered, but it's a historic moment for the women of the world and the best way to thank the world, My daughter, my family, my friends and my fans tell my story.Today, some still signal me and discriminate against me with the security that ignorance gives them, but that must stop and I do not Because I'm fine, I'm here, standing up, it must end up with them so that there can be a world in which a woman, after facing her predator, her attacker, finds herself not looking for one day I'm working with a jerk to accuse him of being the accomplice of his worst misfortune, and tonight I'm exposing my life for them, but tonight and forever, it's me, "concluded the artist.

The data
Gloria Trevi's presentation at the Latin American Music Awards of 2018 ended with the rendition of "And They Are All She and She Is Me", a theme written by the victims of violence.

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