Latin Lover Debut at the movies


They say the demand comes to Rome … in the case of Latin Lover, the term "fighting" is applied.

The actor will make his film debut with the Oscar-winning director, Alfonso Cuarón, who puts him in the shoes of the amazing professor Zovek, the famous bishop.

Although reserved to give details, Latin, 50, was happy to be part of the shoot that began in late 2016 and started in early 2017 in Mexico City.

Rome, which Cuarón will present at the New York Film Festival on October 5, recreates the historical episode of student repression known as El Halconazo.

marks the filmmaker's return to the country after his last time in 2001, when he did it And your mother too.

"I've had the privilege of making movies and you do not know who, I'm not going to tell you the name, but I'm not going to tell you anything else because we've signed a contract to confidentiality … with Mr. Alfonso Cuarón, "said the fighter during a telephone interview

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In Marina Marina Tavira, Yalitza Aparicio, Daniela Demesa, Nancy Garcia and Latin Lover, among other actors.

"I think they're going to project there in New York, but I do not know when in the movie theaters – it's my first film, imagine, and whose hand!

"When they spoke to me to do the casting, I spoke to Jorge Salinas and told him," Hey, how much will I charge? "He said that? ! you are crazy! If you are going to be driven by this man, I have done it for free. "

The star of the television melodramas like The Tempest and What a lovely love followed the advice of Salinas and put no" but "to the contract.

" They have me says, "How do you see this amount?" And I said, "It's perfect." Well, I was filming for two weeks, maybe I'm just going to the screen a minute, I do not know, but my character is vintage. The only thing I can tell you is that the film is retro, it is black and white. "

Cuarón, who is also the scriptwriter of history, gave him hints on how to move and talk." 19659002] "The gentleman is very strict, but he gave me a good treatment, it was an unforgettable experience. "

Latin Lover, who is currently working on the soap opera My husband has more family, came to the cast in Rome because he Rubén Rojas, director of Maribel Guardia, suggested

Paula Ruiz I Reform Agency

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