Leaders and former Presidents of Europe and Latin America express their approval for the possible triumph of AMLO


Mexico City – In Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador and France, leftist leaders and former presidents sent messages of support to Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, describing his committed policy as with social justice.

Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016) said today that the possible triumph of the coalition candidate "Together we will make history" in tomorrow's elections in Mexico would be a victory for all Latin America.

"Make strength for the Mexican people friend to choose López Obrador this Sunday.It will be a victory not only of Mexico but of all Latin America," said the ex-president in a message on his Twitter account, which was rejected in 2016 after being submitted to a political trial in Congress.

Pablo Iglesias, Secretary General of the Podemos Party, announces his admiration for Tabasco and believes that his victory will pay for peace, social justice and "a more democratic world".

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, French politician member of the Socialist Party and twice presidential candidate of his country, he published a photo of him with the founder of Morena, accompanied by a message in Spanish where he Predicts the triumph of Obrador and with him "the resurgence of a great nation and the awakening of hope for the world."

Latin American leaders have also expressed their support for candidate Moreno. In Colombia, Gustavo Petro, the former progressive presidential candidate, shared a photo of López Obrador on his Twitter account during the closing of his campaign and called him a social fighter, with "ideas young "and ready to change the world

The former Argentine president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, said on her Twitter account that Andrés Manuel represents a hope" not only for Mexico, but for all the region (Latin America). "

On the impact that the triumph of the left in Mexico and in the countries of the continent, the former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa (2007-2017) also said that it would represent "a great hope for Ibero-America ".

In addition to López Obrador, who conducts all voting polls, they aspire to Mexico's presidency Ricardo Anaya, the conservative national action party (PAN); José Antonio Meade, of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and the independent Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, governor with license of the state of Nuevo León

This Sunday, 89 million Mexicans are called to the polls to elect the president of Mexico, members of Congress, senators, eight governors, the head of the government of Mexico City and more than 3,400 local posts.
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