Learn more about scoliosis


Scoliosis or deformity of the column can cause the inability to move, cardiopulmonary disease and even death, especially in women, reports orthopedic doctor Francisco Cruz López. 19659002] The specialist in column surgery explained that if the distortion occurs in the region of the dorsal column ie between the neck and lumbar region where is located the rib cage the lungs will have less space and ability to grow, a condition that worsens over the years.

"They have pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency, the main consequence if they are not treated in a timely manner, they can die in young adulthood between the ages of 40 and 45, and in very severe cases , in childhood, "assured the specialist in press conference

Scoliosis is a deformity that occurs mainly in the pub ertad or adolescence in which the spine takes the form of one 'S' or from a C & # 39; According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this condition affects up to 3% of the world's population and occurs mostly in women.

65% of cases are unknown cause of the disease although it also has a congenital component, especially in cases where it is associated with bifida and certain neuromuscular disorders. (According to the information of the agencies)


· The disease has no symptoms since its inception, although once it progresses, the child or the adolescent suffers pain back neurological alterations or failures in one of the legs and his column begins to deviate somewhere.

· This modification can also occur in the first months of life. In these latter cases, infants may undergo surgery to implant a special bar attached to the pedicle which is modified as the child grows older.

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