Let people decide freely in consultation of the new airport: AMLO


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico's elected president, on Tuesday urged citizens to freely choose the option for which they wish to vote in the consultation scheduled this week to decide the future of the New Mexico International Airport (NAIM).

"We will let people decide freely, I'm sure the decision will be the bestwe will find the best alternative, "he said.

"Do not be afraid of citizen consultations, they will move to other countries," he added during his participation in the XVI Business Summit in Mexico City.

He reiterated that whatever decision wins the most votes in the consultation that starts next Thursday, the next administration will respect the commitments made with the companies participating in the project.

In addition, they will be supported the links that have been issued to invest them in the stock market.

"I know the owners of these companies (winners of NAIM offers) Before revealing the result of the query We will give you guarantees do not cancel the contracts (…) On bonds issued, they are guaranteed by the rate of use of airports, they will continue like that, "he said.

The president-elect said that, whatever the result of the consultation, the next administration should intervene as quickly as possible in the airport infrastructure, because the Mexico City International Airport ("IMCA") "n & # 39, can not anymore. "

"We have to get used to consultations, we can not let people continue to testify, but yes, contracts and investors are protected," said Lopez Obrador.

The consultation to decide on the future of NAIM will take place from Thursday 26th to Sunday 28th October. More than one thousand polling stations will be installed in 538 municipalities of the Mexican Republic, more than 80% of the national population.

According to the poll released Tuesday by The financier55% of respondents preferred to "continue the current project in Texcoco", while 37% prefer to "modify the construction in Santa Lucia", which gives the project Texcoco an advantage of 18 points.

We must agree on the question of investment

López Obrador reaffirmed that the next federal government would seek to increase the country's economy by 4%, although he stressed that this figure would not be achieved without private, public and foreign investments.

"How to grow? Increased public investment, because this will reduce current spending and we will not only have 530 billion pesos of public investment; We will have more public investment, but this is not enough to reactivate the economy, we need private and domestic private investment, "he said.

The former head of government added that an agreement with foreign investors is needed to determine the future investment programs of the next administration.

"We must accept that this requires foreign investment, if we can organize investment programs with what can be allocated on the budget and that private investment, both domestic and foreign, invest in the country in development projects.We will not grow at two percent, at four percent, annual average, "he said.

In his speech, the former head of government asked for help from businessmen and all Mexicans because "one man can not achieve" this goal.

"This is the dream that we want to transform into reality and we want to achieve this transformation with everyone and with everyone.This can not be done by a single man, a single government, it must be the same. effort of all Mexicans. "

He pointed out that there were conditions to achieve the goal of a growth of 4% per year and said that he "went on history" with the Trade Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

"Our growth conditions are unbeatable, there is already an agreement with the United States and with Canada, which will allow foreign investment to arrive."

(With information from Mariana León).

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