Ligan gun who killed the tourist in the taquería with another homicide in the CdMx


Milenio Digital

The pistol with which they killed a tourist and tried to kill a worker in a taquería in Lomas de Chapultepec is linked to another homicide , was held last month in the Cuauhtémoc delegation, reported the Mexico City prosecutor's office.

"Envelopes or signs are related to another event in Cuauhtémoc (…) It was a homicide, a person was deprived of life, there were 11 impacts of this weapon (.. .) It was in June, "he said yesterday Gerardo Mejía Granados, attorney for Miguel Hidalgo's delegation.

Last Saturday, armed men on motorbikes fired at José Manuel S, aka El Chepe a cadenero who operates in the region of Polanco and Acapulco.

In the attack, which occurred in the taco "El Califa", the man was injured but the bullets hit Tatiana Mulitanko, 27, of American nationality, who was in town for his wedding anniversary.

The prosecutor explained that the cadenero "is in intensive care, he has five impacts on the thorax, forearm and legs."

In his first statement, El Chepe denied having enemies and reported that he was leaving his job to go to breakfast, in this case, to taqueria.

He stated that they had several lines of investigation open, including the one related to Narco. "This line is contemplated," he said. [ad_2]
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