Light Refreshments with Caffeine: This Occurs in Your Body When You Quit Them: Your Doctor


Caffeine has a stimulating effect that provides energy instantly but in the short term.

Light sodas with caffeine can produce various effects in your body and when you leave it, your body will also show changes; know

World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that the increase in the consumption of sugary drinks that includes soft drinks, is related to the increase in the incidence of metabolic syndrome associated in turn with obesity, overweight, insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus.

Recently, a survey conducted by Purdue University associated the usual consumption of ] light refreshments with a 36% higher risk of developing a metabolic syndrome; this, with the data of WHO would reveal that there is no difference between the risks generated by refreshing the drink or the "normal" version;

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The light sodas with caffeine: the risks

So, stop drinking light sodas with Caffeine generates the following effects on your body:

1. Abstinence. It is suggested to reduce the consumption of caffeine in a way that although it may cause dizziness, anxiety and headaches, they may be considered normal when they have a maximum duration of 2 days. to drink sodas with caffeine .

2. Headache. Not only stop caffeine, but also stop consuming sweeteners can generate discomfort of this kind.

Data from Cleveland Clinic indicate that at least 50% of people who give up drinking soda with caffeine experience headaches.

3. Tired. Caffeine has a stimulating effect that provides energy instantly but in the short term, therefore, by limiting its consumption, the feeling of tiredness or fatigue appears

4. Changes in mood. Caffeine is a stimulant and, when it stops to consume, it can usually cause irritability and even depression.

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It is necessary to have the support of your family, couple and friends, because although the best option is to stop the habitual consumption of caffeinated soft drinks, some symptoms may appear at first uncomfortable in your body as those mentioned above.

You can do it!

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