LinkedIn Voice Messaging What is it and why should you know about them?


Instant messaging applications have become almost indispensable for millions of people. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram are a few of them looking to gain in this field, LinkedIn

This week the platform for professionals belonging to Microsoft has added a new feature that probably does not like a lot of users, but that could be attractive in the marketing aspect for applications that are can give you.

According to Zack Hendlin, LinkedIn 's Senior Product Manager, you can record audios of up to one minute in length that can be sent via app messages.

According to the platform, ] LinkedIn Messaging are functional to establish more personal communications, as users (or candidates) show something more about their personality or move more clearly their [19659003] Although it's functional for users, the truth is that it's not new, they're messages that are already available in email applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, among others.

However, in the case of LinkedIn, opportunities open up in areas such as recruitment, as this could be a more effective way to share information, it's time to read your resume by the candidates, or eliminate the preliminary need for a phone call by the recruiter, even in B2B domains, to establish business connections.

In this way, Microsoft, which acquired in 2016 LinkedIn, in an agreement for about 26 thousand 200 million dollars launches an attempt to further exploit the social and marketing potential of this platform.

Recall that although many of its new features are aimed at improving the user experience and among the many interactions between professionals and professional brands, such as personal QR codes, many others seek to offer options for advertisers and thus benefit from the reach of this social network, such as the Carrousel Ads.

Although it does not offer anything new or different from the other options in the market, it seeks to stimulate the use of LinkedIn's users, and although it opens up the possibility of brands connected with certain audiences, this could have an effect similar to direct text messages that can be sent even if they are not contacts, which has the consequence that many of them are not not read, in the case of voice messages, which are not listened to.

Image: LinkedIn
Image: LinkedIn


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