Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are two kings without a world crown


Sochi, Russia (AFP) –

Messi succumbed to a masterful France, Cristiano crashed into the defensive wall of Uruguay and within hours the two football kings said at see again at the World Cup Russia-2018 this Saturday. Destiny, determined to cross their career, spoke again and deprived them both of a world title.

Al Dios futbol did not care about the ten gold balls that were added between the two and the two Argentina as Portugal chew two bitter defeats … maybe in their last World Cup in top form.

A game was missing for the faces to be seen in Nizhni Nóvogorod Dams Griezmann-Mbappé and Suárez-Cavani won the passage to Quarter-Finals with triumph of France against Albiceleste (4-3) and Uruguay before the Lusos (2-1) but the splinters were left with the l 39; worry of Argentineans and Portuguese.


More than thirty titles with the Barcelona are insufficient to fill the void that goes deep in the chip. The best player in the world in the last decade has still not added titles to his country.

Diego Maradona and his marvelous left-handed Argentina the title in 1986, something Messi still could not do [19659008] " Not in a million years will I be near Maradona ", then says Lio .

Not even two finals in the last two Copa America could end the curse: fake penalties and performances below their left level Argentina without titles and time ] Messi will remain in history as the reign that could not be.

This Saturday in Kazan, football closed the door again and on the 10th it was silent.


] A few hours after the goodbye of Messi, it was time to say goodbye to his rival: Portugal could not with Uruguay and Cristiano said goodbye.

At age 33, the World Cup seems to be avoiding his hit list, which already adds several Champions League and championships

Ambitious par excellence in the defeat against Uruguay, l & # 39, one of the darkest of his career, showed his more human side: Cavani was injured and Cristiano helped him out of the field.

In the match, the attacker was unlikely to show his power: a free kick in the barrier, another midfielder braked by Fernando Muslera, and many unrewarded races.

Unlike Messi, Ronaldo has a consolation prize: Cup of Europe that he raised with his Portugal in 2016. [19659017] [ad_2]
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