Lions attack poachers trying to kill rhinos


July 6, 2018

The owner of the reserve, Nick Fox, explained that after several days of searching, the bodies of the hunters were found


A flock of three lions was devouring a group of poachers when they were trying to murder a rhinoceros to remove his horns

The events occurred in the Sibuya Nature Reserve, South Africa, this weekend, when a group of hunters entered secretly in the protected area with objects such as high caliber rifles with a silencer. , an ax, pliers to cut wiring and supplies for several days.

According to authorities, surveillance dogs alerted security guards about the entrance of intruders early Monday, so the patrol initiated a round. However, the owner of the reserve, Nick Fox , explained that after several days of research, the bodies of the hunters, as well as their belongings, were found in one of the areas inhabited by hunters. lions.

"At this moment, it is unclear how many poachers were killed, but the forensic team of the police
continues to investigate," says the press release [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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