Litecoin comes to Facebook with the LiteIM wallet


This was not Bitcoin or Ethereum; The first cryptocurrency to reach Facebook is Litecoin. And he did it hand in hand with Wallet LiteIM. As a result, Facebook users now have direct access to send, manage and invest in Litecoin easily and securely.

This was announced by LiteIM through Medium on October 31st. The wallet was already compatible with the Telegram email application and is now compatible with Facebook Messenger. The company also plans to increase the number of social networks and compatible apps.

In the statement, they claim that it is a very important step, not only for instant messaging, but also for the entire cryptocurrency community. After the total ban on crypto-currency advertising, Facebook is showing signs of wanting to open the doors of technology.

If you are a LiteIM user and want to use this new service, you just have to login and that's it.

The announcement of the project was made as part of the Litecoin Summit in San Francisco with Michael Rodriguez, Head of Technology at LiteIM, as spokesperson.

"It's pretty huge." The first cryptocurrency on Facebook is Litecoin, which opens the door to a user base of about 2 billion people worldwide.Rodriguez said, "I'm also commenting on the security measures that the company will have in this new platform:"Whenever Lite.IM requires your password, you will be redirected to a secure form, which will prevent you from having to connect to third party sites."

Another point that he stressed is that the goal of this initiative is to try to offer the litecoin to people who do not have access by more familiar means. "Instead of knowing the address in Litecoin of someone, which is uncomfortable for some users, you can send it to someone with just your email address or phone number.Rodriguez argues.

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