Looking for a job in December? Kohl's already hiring for the holidays


The Kohl's department store announced Wednesday that it was already holding employee positions for the holiday season, reported CNN Money. This is the first time that the company has started its hiring process for the holidays, a busy time for department stores.

Kohl's seeks to fill positions in more than 300 of its stores across the country. The company says it will add more jobs later in the year to stores and distribution centers.

Ryan Festerling, executive vice president of human resources at Kohl's, said in a statement that the willingness to hire seasonal employees so early will "ensure that our teams are fully trained and ready to support peak periods. "

Kohl's also accepts advance requests for the back-to-school shopping months. Retail experts say it's a smart move for Kohl, especially in a market competing with online shopping giants like Amazon. Bob Phibbs, CEO of the New York-based retail consultancy, told Fox Business: "A full-service store combined with good retail training is the most effective way to differentiate.

The company said it would offer "competitive wages" to seasonal workers and 15% off purchases, as well as other savings opportunities, reported CNBC.

"We have listened to our current associates and we will offer them once again the opportunity to increase their opening hours, and we will add new seasonal workers to meet the unique staffing needs of each store." Said Mr Festerling.

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