López Obrador asks Trump to conclude the renegotiation of NAFTA


CITY OF MEXICO (proceso.com.mx) .- The virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced the contents of the letter that he sent to US President Donald Trump, in which he l & # 39; 39, convened to conclude as soon as possible the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order not to prolong the uncertainty.

At a press conference held in the transitional house, the Tabasco was accompanied by Marcelo Ebrad Casaubón, who is proposed as Chancellor. government, and read the letter.

López Obrador raised Trump:

"It is worth making an effort to conclude the renegotiation of NAFTA.I think that prolonging uncertainty could affect medium and long term investments which, of course, hampers Mexico's economic growth and, consequently, the government's strategy that I will lead. "

Morena's leader also warned US President that" there will be a lot of changes "in the country, but assured that priority will be given to NAFTA in which the transitional team will participate in collaboration with the government negotiators of Enrique Peña Nieto.

In the seven-page letter, López Obrador expressed his objectives in the new stage of the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the United States as the development along the three thousand kilometers of the border with the United States; treat the causes that cause the phenomenon of migration; With regard to the issue of migration, he proposes the creation of a fund for the development of Central America, in which the United States, Mexico and the Central American countries will bring their contribution. a number of resources appropriate to their economic potential to boost employment and thus prevent the influx of migrants into the United States.

Marcelo Ebrad said that on Wednesday, July 26 will receive the Canadian delegation in the premises of Colonia Roma, in addition to the transitional team will meet during the week with representatives of the countries of the Alliance Pacific, mainly the South American economies.

"75% would be used to create jobs and 25% for border control, so we would work to make the migration of its citizens economically useless," says Ebrad.

The Road to pacification does not include the journalists.

In addition, López Obrador announced the dates and places of the "Forums of listening to map the road of pacification and the national reconciliation" which will begin August 7 next in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and will end in Mexico City on October 24.

the forums will hear the voices of the victims, citizenship that includes women and men, peasants, natives, academics and academics, business women and entrepreneurs.

Also to various social actors such as religious communities, community groups and civil society organizations, local authorities, goverment

However, the list does not include journalists, who were also victims of violence throughout the country.

Different consultations will take place Mexican prisons, in the shelters of migrants, as well as in different communities hit by violence on thematic axes as necessary elements to materialize the pact of national reconciliation, for the reconstruction of the social fabric and coexistence peaceful, as well as for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of members of organized crime.

In the forums, it is They will deal in particular with the most serious crimes such as enforced disappearance, extrajudicial executions, femicides, human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, homicides, kidnappings, sexual crimes, extortion, forced displacement, hate crimes or political ideology. against the defense of human rights and freedom of expression.

In the case of issues of marginalization, there are women; girls, boys and adolescents; young people; adult adults; people with different abilities; people of indigenous peoples; as well as the gay-lesbian community and the appendices.

Public policies related to the use and possession of drugs, the possession and possession of weapons, and the reduction of penalties will be discussed

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