Lopez Obrador pledges support for Nayarit after floods


Rain, Heat, Climate, Climate Change, Environment, Cold Front

Rain, Heat, Climate, Climate Change, Environment, Cold Front


After the damage caused by heavy rains and floods in Nayarit, the elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, met with lawmakers to establish lines of action to support the affected population and claimed that the first week of December he would visit the damaged areas.

In a video posted on his social networks, Tabasco politician reported that the governor of the entity, Roberto Sandoval, asked for the support of the next government to participate in the affected areas.

I contacted the governor of Nayarit, who asked us for help. he is aware of the situation and we must not fight now, but rather we must work together to help the people. We will not leave them alone, "said López Obrador.

He highlighted the performance of the armed forces in the affected areas with the implementation of the DN-III-E plan to help the Nayarit population.

The elected president promised to travel to Nayarit and the affected region in the first week of December, after taking office on the first day, and assured Morena's legislators to keep abreast of the situation in the country. entity.

"We will continue to support, they (the legislators) will be with you, visit the municipalities, come to the presidency, the first week I will be in Nayarit in the affected area and I will be with youhe assured.

In the meantime, he mentioned that Román MeyerThe next head of the Secretariat for Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) is the one who, in his representation, will assist in all matters concerning aid and reconstruction.

In this regard, the member for Morena for Nayarit, Miguel Pavel Jarero VelázquezHe thanked the support of López Obrador and assured that the affected population was not alone, because it would be supported.

This may interest you: 8 municipalities in Nayarit declare a disaster area because of the rain

"We need support, but we are confident that we will not leave them – to all affected areas, from families to producers, have the assurance that we will be close to assisting them and getting up to go from here. before. This accident can not double us"He said.

Meanwhile, the MP María Géraldine Ponce He pointed out that they were working with the Nayarit government representatives and the future president's team to help the affected populations. So, in the coming days, they will solicit help.

"The help will continue to reach those who need it most.We did between the officials of Nayarit and López Obrador for provide support to municipalities. We also manage grants to sponsor houses, "he said.

* jci

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