Loret de Mola gets angry during the live broadcast


Carlos Loret de Mola, had an aversion to the special broadcast of the 2018 elections on Foro TV, after Denise Maerker made a correction.

The moment Carlos announced an interview with the PAN national leader, Damian Zepeda, however this was changed by a press conference.

"He is on the line the PAN national chief, Damián Zepeda," said Loret, immediately Denise interrupted him and said "no, no, that's the conference Do you remember that conference was still missing? ", Denise mentions.

During the transmission of this lecture the microphones remained open and a Loret de Mola was heard, a little annoyed to say" then nothing else to me " refuses, Does it come out? Yes, yes we have it on the line and I present it … they give it. "

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