Luis Miguel: Actress Erika Buenfil remembers the romance that she had with "El Sol" | VIDEO | Shows


The Mexican actress, Erika Buenfil surprised all viewers by commenting on the romance she had with singer Luis Miguel in 2002.

With the boom of the series from "The Sun of Mexico" which tells the story of the life of the artist, it was not uncommon to hear the comments and opinions of people who were close to him in the early years of his career. Buenfil talks with the show "Hoy" and gives little-known details about the personality of Luis Miguel

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"It was many years ago, in 2002-2003, it's a fascinating man, very handsome and at his best." made a comparison, when he invited you to spend a day with friends, it's like a movie because everything is perfect.From the music, the place, what you eat, people around you, he is himself a video clip.They have been very beautiful moments, "revealed in the interview.

The interpreter also spoke about "Luis Miguel, the series" and said that he sees unlikely to be included in the story, joking he said "Capaz I'm appearing, but at the end of the second season "

" He's a good friend of mine.I think I'm not an important story in his life, and if I go to the show, he should leaving at the end of the second season because there were more important relationships for him than Mariah Carey ". laughing

Buenfil commented in previous interviews that he met Luis Miguel, in an unforgettable coincidence that he immediately took a definite course. "We met in Monterrey in a presentation, he invited me to dinner and from that moment, our friendship began to be born …", he told the media in August 2017.

One remembers Erika Buenfil, 54 years old for his participation in successful telenovelas such as "Amor in silence", "Marisol", "True loves", "The right to be born", others

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