Luis Miguel and the break with the grandparents


One of the last controversies that Luis Miguel faced the Spanish media was the burial of his grandparents with whom the singer had a close relationship but after the death of his father Luisito Rey in 1992 and because of tensions with his uncles, José Manuel and Mario Vicente, he stopped visiting them.

In Cadiz, they remember their holidays on the beach or Carnival, with sunglasses But he did not attend the funeral of his grandmother Matilde and hired a family from San Fernando for the care of his grandfather Rafael.

The grandfather died in 2000, and a few years later, this family declared that her remains and she were exhumed from the San Fernando cemetery and thrown into a mass grave because Luis Miguel did not not taken care of expenses

During a visit to Cadiz, the city of Andalucia where his father and uncles were born, and where Luis Miguel lived briefly in the late 1970s, EL UNIVERSAL visited the San Fernando cemetery and located the graves of the two grandparents, so that for the moment this threat has not materialized, it is ignored if by the intervention of the singer or because he never had a basis.


The ashes of Luis Rey were deposited in the cemetery of Chiclana, in Cádiz, but it is not easy to find them

  Luis Miguel buried his father and only he knows where   Luis Miguel buried his father and only he knows where

Luis Miguel's paternal grandfather, Rafael, worked as a lighter, but became ill young, and the three brothers of the house were fighting for the food to pay.

mother of Luis Rey, whose real name is Luis Gallego Sánchez, Matilde, used the musical skills of his son to earn money in local music competitions, such as the one organized by Radio Cádiz, where he won a prize in the 50s and the group of children, Los Joselitos del cante, and even embarked in Argentina to try to succeed

The bodies of Matilde and Rafael rest near those from Camarón, one of the most popular cantaores in the history of flamenco. The relations between the biographies of these two artists are numerous.

Camarón (1950-1992) attended the same school in San Fernando as Luis Miguel, took communion in the same church, and the street where he was born ends at the house where El Sol would have lived with his great -parents. Last coincidence, the actor who plays Luis Rey in the Netflix series is the Spanish Óscar Jaenada, who reaped his greatest success at the cinema playing … Camarón.


In the version that is told in the Netflix bioseries, Luis Rey is not the only enemy. Uncle Tito is inspired by Vicente Gallego, who has struggled for years with "El Sol"

In Cádiz, the figure of these two men of an intense life and musical talent intermingle. Shrimp is hard to forget in your country. Luis Miguel tries the opposite: that his memory is covered by a cloak of silence. But his past is here.

An official of the court of Cadiz says that Vicente Gallego, elder brother of Luisito Rey (manager Tío Tito of the Netflix and Telemundo series) went through great needs in the He recalls that, several times He laid charges against his famous nephew, which he claimed to have left in ruins when he withdrew the legacy of his brother Luisito.

"He was a very bad person, he even gave me a biography he had written against him (The naked truth of Luis Miguel, 1997)," says the manager without specifying his name, adding that Gallego had always tried to urge the police to act against Luis Miguel in Spain.

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