"Luis Miguel did not even take me around": Roberto Palazuelos denies the series | who


Episode Nine of Luis Miguel, Series was hard with the image of Roberto Palazuelos : He painted it as a wannabe who has always dreamed of being like The singer and traveled at the expense of the singer

And if anyone was angry at this episode, it was Palazuelos himself, who declared brutal: "Luis Miguel did not even take me to the corner" . By telephone, the actor and the businessman told us what his relationship with Micky looked like, according to him.

"All the scandal that he says, I fight with Luis Miguel and he tells me some things and I tell him to others … that it does not happen, it's not not true, I do not know why they invent these things … a very interesting fact: (the soap opera) Muchachitas was in 1991 and this scene is set in 1989. They say that I invited Micky to a feast at Baby & # 39; O to celebrate Muchachitas when telenovela was much later, it's a lie, I've never had a feast for Muchachitas I never told Luis Miguel what I said in the and he never told me that, and I never fought with him in life. "

" Luis Miguel did not even take me to the corner ": Roberto Palazuelos denies the series

What do you think of him? this chapter in particular?
My son checks my nets and starts to see insults about his father who is a joker and he says, "Hey dad, is it true that Luis Miguel took you around the world?" Do you know what I told him? "Look at me ijito, Luis Miguel had a plane that was a JetStar, registration plate Julieta Charly Bravo that was 1968. It was a super small plane that did not even reach New To go to New York, I had to make a stop, charge and, honestly, I have never traveled with him anywhere. "I had other friends who took them to Argentina and like that, but it did not touch me 19659007] How was it with you?
He was my friend in the chavitos scene of San Jerónimo, with Héctor Suárez (Gomís) , El Osito (Leonardo) García and all in the private.Leonardo gave him clothes because he had nothing to wear, on the other hand, I stopped seeing him for a while and he I met him again in my life because we have a group of friends in Los Pinos, I was very close to Gerardo from Madrid, my friends were Quintanilla, Torrado, all, and he had Federico's little group, "El Burro", Marco Vinicio, Nachito Sada, the producer, and there we met again and we saw each other in the Baby we saw each other in the houses, we had parties, but believe me, none of this has happened. or dragons in the Costera with the group. And they take out my car (in the series), in that they are very precise, they come out a Porsche 911 that I had, very similar to the car in which James Dean was killed, but .. What can I tell you?

So this is not true what was seen in the episode?
I specify that Luis Miguel never brought me to the corner of the street. In fact, at that time we had friends too powerful and if we moved with them, we went from here to there and we passed them everywhere with them and in impressive planes, with incredible things. In addition, we were at an age where we just wanted to have fun, but Luis Miguel never took me around the world, he never took me anywhere. I doubt that he can take me around the world with such a cheap and inefficient aircraft.

Do you consider yourself a friend of Luis Miguel or simply as his friend?
I was at one point in the life of his friend, but I do not even see all that group of that time. I live between Cancun and Miami and I walk in another roll. I have a life of entrepreneur, lawyer and something else. But I will always remember him with a lot of affection, with much admiration and not only him but also Alex.

How do you remember when they were friends?
An incredible moment because we were children and at that age, you do not care about anything. I met him around the age of 12 and around 9 years old. We had an amazing time as we were going to the hill in front of us, we were going into the ravines and there was Héctor Suárez Gomís, children of Andrés García. It was amazing this moment. And then the time has passed and I have found it like adults, already half in the eruption and it was also amazing because it was a time when insecurity did not exist. It was a beautiful Acapulco, you still left Baby & # 39; O and you were walking along the Costera, the beaches were incredible. It was a very beautiful time, I remember it with a lot of love and I think for him it had to be one of the best moments of his life. We had great experience of being close to the president's sons (De la Madrid), which was also a super fun, super educational experience and many trips and a lot of movement.

Did you see the pain because of your mother?
Of course, it's super painful. How sad.

Did you have to see him cry?
No, but I had to see him with his mother and well. His mother, I remember that he made a very tasty spaghetti. Suddenly she invited the kids from the private and they ate spaghetti there and she was a very kind lady.

Yes, you met her …
Sure, and I met Luisito (Rey) very well.

And was it as bad as we painted them?
Well, no. I think the actor is a great actor, but they have a lot in the cliche of super naughty and yes, he was very strict with him, I do not know, but they told me so. But what it was was very nice. It was a nice funky thing.

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