Luis Miguel goes "perico" every three minutes: Roberto Palazuelos


07 July 2018

Affirm that the series "entry does not mark the arrogance of the", coupled with their addiction problems.

Instagram: @robertopalazuelosjr

The actor Roberto Palazuelos said that the biographical series of Luis Miguel "painted him very decentito" and did not mention that "paracito goes every three minutes."

In an interview for El Universal, the so-called "Black Diamond" said that the series "does not mark the arrogance of the", coupled with their

However, accuse the authors to use their character to recount certain events in which they were not involved, without considering that this may cause personal problems.

writers have often seized my character to create a fictitious person, but they forget that I am a person of flesh and blood, without thinking about the problems that can cause me, "he said.

" In the chapter where I suppose I'm struggling with this guy at Baby 0 in 1989, the Muchachitas entry was at the end of 1991, how could I have said that I had just got myself hired for the soap opera, while I would be two years from the future to come to this soap opera? "

is still assigned to divulge the" details "of the singer, claim to be a gentleman and not speak ill of the performer of" Under the table. "

"I am a gentleman, I will not talk bad about him, nothing more than he does not accompany me, because then I will tell the things I know," he says.

With information from El Universal

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