Luis Miguel, the series was a Spanish-American phenomenon


  Luis Miguel, the series was a Hispanic-American phenomenon

Journalists from different countries explain the event that became Luis Miguel, the series, which aired his last chapter.


"For decades, many people have talked about my life, but now is the time to reveal my truth," Luis Miguel warned a few months ago when he introduced the first trailer of the series , in which he decided to tell his story.

And over the course of 13 weeks, this project became the topic of conversation not only in the media, but also in schools, offices and even households and WhatsApp groups.

But this is not true. This was exclusive to Mexico. The series of Gato Grande Productions, Netflix and Telemundo, have gradually become a phenomenon in Latin America and Spain, according to versions of journalists from different parts of the continent.

"Luis Miguel is well known and loved here, but I feel that the series was commissioned to offer gray shades of a life that seemed dreamy.People were talking about the show all the time." She blushed with the portrayal of Luisito Rey and they were delighted to see how Luis Miguel takes care of every battle in his daily life.In Colombia he became a phenomenon with a voice that was growing little by little, and that at no time It has lost its strength, "said Andres Hoyos Vargas, a television journalist with the newspaper El Tiempo from Colombia. In Chile, the phenomenon was similar. According to Romina Raglianti, entertainment journalist of El Mercurio the series was successful because it did not look like the production model that is handled in a telenovela.

"The series was used to humanize Luis Miguel.Although many had their difficult childhood, people were surprised to see the relationship with their father Luisito Rey generated a lot of rejection and as a result, l & # 39; Luis Miguel's story moved in. For me, it was wise to have the relationship with the father as one of the pillars of the season, it's much more interesting than the more telenovelesque side of the relationship. in love, "he said.

Bernadette Villa, entertainment journalist at BioBioChile agrees with Raglianti emphasizing Luisito Rey, who played Óscar Jaenada, as the author. One of the motors of success

"From the first episodes, a lot of excitement was caused, especially by the mystery of his mother's disappearance and the mistreatment inflicted on his father. For several days, the morning programs devoted entire segments to comment on some chapters and episodes of Luis Miguel's youth, and this has been repeated throughout the series, "he said

. Lucia Sapena, a journalist and radio and television host in this nation, did a great job.

"I am pleasantly surprised that Diego Boneta realized, because at certain times in the series, it seemed that really watch Luis Miguel. This shows that he did a very intense job at making gestures, voice speaking and singing.

"The fact that the songs were played by Diego was a big risk but I think it was a positive decision.Know that Luis Miguel gave his approval and is one of the producers of the series was also a good point for many to hang on. "

For Lucía Barja, journalist of RPP Noticias ] of Peru, the phenomenon is interesting because it ensures, that in his nation all are not fans.

"I noticed that the people who were talking about the series were not necessarily fans of the singer.But the public in Peru returned to the music of Luismi.The series was attractive to the fact that They reveal secrets of the story of the singer of which we can talk a lot.The public has ceased to be a passive audience, which consumes only audiovisual production.Noelia Fariña wrote for ] El País of Spain that "the series had all the elements to become addicted when talking about a parent who controls, a mother gone and a spicy early success with romances, addictions and another ballad. "

Luisito Rey, naughty until the end

Luisito Rey was crowned as the big bad guy that for 13 weeks the public he thought was that. result of Luis Miguel, the series refused to his son, until the end of his breath, to tell him what happened to Marcela, his mother.

The chapter began by the news for the artist that his tour and his first record of boleros were an absolute success.But while the artist celebrated his professional feats, he personally faced a truth that he has denied for months: he is the father of a daughter next to Sophie (Stephanie Salas).

Her girlfriend Erika (Camila Sodi) face him and take responsibility.

The state Luis Rey's health (Óscar Jaenada) is aggravated, his cirrhosis, added to other ailments, brought him to the hospital and the series closed the circle, as Micky (Diego Boneta) learned of his upcoming death during the concert in Paraguay in 1992, the same scene with which he initiated

Luis Miguel travels to Spain to see his father die and he refused to know what happened to his mother, who disappeared in 1986. Luis Rey, according to the series, was the last to see her. In the scene, he sees himself reach a Marcela (Anna Favella), excited by the opportunity to find his son. A closed door and we have never heard of it again

Tito (Martín Bello), remained an accomplice of Rey, since he swore not to reveal where Marcela was. However, Hugo López took over the Mossad reports: "Micky, they found your mother", and without further ado, the screen gave way to the credits at the end of the first season of the series that held back the public attention.


  • According to the book Luis Miguel, The History of Javier Herrera León
  • 13 episodes.
  • Production: Carla González Vargas, Mark Burnett and Pablo Cruz.
  • Protagonists: Diego Boneta, Izán Llunas, Luis de la Rosa, Óscar Jaenada, Martín Bello, Anna Favella

is surprised

After Stephanie Salas, Roberto Palazuelos, and Donkey Van Rankin, among others, showed their annoyance at the way they were presented in the series of Luis Miguel, its executive producer Pablo Cruz stressed that everything was done with respect.

"If we made the version of Luis Miguel's life point of view of others, we would have several seasons.But that is the series that was made," he said.

According to Cruz, some facts have been fictionalized, so there is some data that is not accurate, but that is used to tell the story.

It's the drama and it's the television and the audience had to wait from one chapter to the other. But we try to be respectful and close to reality and maybe they are not perfect in time, because if we did, we could not tell everything, but that's not the case. is what is used to tell a story. These are the licenses that can be taken. "

He pointed out that the way the project was approached served to bring the artist to another audience, but noted that in the end, the career of Luis Miguel and he the fact alone, it is they who have kept it for 36 years among the tastes of the people.

He also stressed that what has been achieved with the series is the fruit of the team work

.The idea has always been mine, they brought the infrastructure, the rights. "Fantastic work with Carla (González Vargas)," he said.

Finally, he said surprised the results obtained and hinted that there will be a second season.

"It's amazing, a wonderful surprise, we were not wrong with the chosen actors or the way the script was treated, which was done in a more contemporary way." There were difficult elections, but still with the intention of attracting more young audiences and not just those who already knew Luis Miguel. "

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