Luismi finds his mother?


In the new chapter, the mystery of the disappearance of Marcela, mother of the singer continues

A week ago, the question asked was: Would Luis Miguel have found his mother in the psychiatric hospital of Canary?

The answer is no and was revealed in Chapter 11 of the series on The Unconditional Performer.

The Sunday episode entitled "Marcela" follows the break-up of the Gallegos Basteri family, in part because, in 1986, Luis Miguel's mother realizes that Luis Rey continues not only with his lover, but also takes him away from around the world.

When Marcela confronts Luisito, he tells her that if she dares to leave him, he kills her. Before the threat, Marcela decides to visit Luis Miguel during his presentation at Luna Park in Buenos Aires, where the artist takes his mother on stage to sing the song "Marcela".

After this iconic evening, Luis Rey becomes enraged and after telling his children that his mother wants to separate from them, he asks his children with whom they want to leave. Alejandro goes with Marcela and little Sergio, while Luis Miguel, with tears in his eyes, leaves with his father, leaving the Italian woman sorry.

In a jump in time, when Micky is 21, he discovers that his mother is not the woman who is in the psychiatric hospital and decides to ask for help from Miguel Aleman, the friend tells him that he does not have the contacts Fede de la Madrid could help you.

Micky tells the story of his friend Érika, who in turn soon tells her boyfriend that Fede, jealous of the relationship between his girlfriend and her singer, decides to put an end to it.

After the brusque with his ex-partner, Fede reconsidered and although he no longer comes back with Erika, decides to help Micky and gives him the contact of the Israeli research team, Mosad .

It is at this same stage that, due to Paco Calderón's lack of promptness in delivering the songs for the singer's new album, the company offers him to make an album "great hits", a proposal denied "El Sol" "

After talking with Erika, Micky decides to reverse the great classics of Mexican music and calls Armando Manzanero to produce the aforementioned material.

For his part, that same year, Luisito Rey is in financial crisis and with a deteriorating state of health, so he decides to go to Mexico to ask the help of Andrés García, who advise him to go see Luis Miguel.

After convincing Hugo Lopez, Luisito manages to get behind the scenes of one of his concerts to see his son, but he is indifferent and ignores him once he sees him.

The episode ends with Luis Miguel and Erika kissing at the seaside in Acapulco.

The grandparents of & # 39; El Sol & # 39;

One of the latest controversies that reached the Spanish media was the burial of grandparents. Luis Miguel had close relations with the elders, but after the death of his father in 1992 and because of tensions with his uncles, José Manuel and Mario Vicente, he stopped visiting them.

In Cadiz, they remember their holidays on the beach or carnival, wearing sunglasses. But he did not attend the funeral of his grandmother and hired a family from San Fernando for the care of his grandfather Rafael.

The grandfather died in 2000, and a few years later, this family declared that he and his remains would be exhumed from the San Fernando cemetery and thrown into a mass grave because Luis Miguel was not taking care of expenses. .

During a visit to Cadiz, the city of Andalucia where his father and uncles were born, and where Luis Miguel lived briefly in the late 1970s, EL UNIVERSAL visited the San Fernando cemetery and located the graves of the two grandparents, so for the moment this threat has not materialized, it is ignored if by the intervention of the singer or because it does not. has never been basic.

Luis Miguel's paternal grandfather, Rafael, was working as a lamp-maker, but he became ill at a young age, and the three brothers of the house were fighting for food.

Similarly, Luis Rey's mother, whose real name was Luis Gallego Sánchez, Matilde, used his son's musical skills to earn money in local musical competitions, such as the one organized by Radio Cádiz, where he won a prize in the 50s

The bodies of Matilde and Rafael lie near those of Camarón, one of the most popular cantaores in the history of flamenco. The relations between the biographies of these two artists are numerous.

A representative of the court of Cadiz claims that Vicente Gallego, elder brother of Luisito Rey (Tío Tito manager of the Netflix series and Telemundo) has had great needs in the last years of his life, and remembers having raised many times times denunciations against his famous nephew, which he assures he left in ruins when he withdrew the legacy of his brother Luisito.

"He was a very bad person, he even gave me a biography that he had written against him (the naked truth of Luis Miguel, 1997)," says the official without giving his name, adding that Gallego has always tried to do The police will act against Luis Miguel while he was going to Spain for a concert.


Chapter. In the new episode of the series, it is revealed where is Marcela, mother of Luis Miguel; the first season will end on July 15th. (ARCHIVER)

Luis MiguelLuisMiLuisito ReyLuis Rey

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