Machado: I want Maduro outside Miraflores, but I live to pay for his crimes (+ Video) | In the agenda


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The national coordinator of the Sale Venezuela party, Maria Corina Machado held a press conference in which she responded to the accusations from Nicolás Maduro's government about his alleged involvement in a military coup to overthrow the first president. He also talked about the situation of dissatisfaction of the Venezuelan army.

He explained that in Venezuela there is a conspiracy but that it is conducted by the "Venezuelan regime with the Castro-Comunism, the Colombian guerrillas, the" With regard to the situation in Venezuela, Machado commented that "it is a genocide and now it intends to come to cry with new denunciations of murder, like Fidel Castro, just like Hugo Chávez." [19659007] He mentioned that these accusations are false, that is why he said; "Mr. Maduro, I want him outside of Miraflores, but I want him alive so that I can face justice."

The member of Soy Venezuela recalled that in 2014 the "Lieutenant" Colonel Jose Gustavo Arocha was kidnapped with the intention of torturing him and making him make false statements against me.

Subsequently, the lieutenant-colonel, after escaping from house arrest, stated before the experts of the United States Organization. The Americans (OAS), in September of last year, who actually suffered torture in the Sebin to falsely accuse of the murder of Maria Corina.

She mentioned that the government proposes to do the same with several officers and soldiers of the Fanb to open a file and involve it in acts of rebellion. "I want to ratify my support – the military and their families – and mention that they are not alone, the international community and Venezuelan society are accompanying them," he said.

With regard to the military deception that he claims to exist in the barracks, the ex-deputy mentioned that there is great dissatisfaction within the armed forces because They were received. more than 11,500 requests to leave the first half of the year

"Maduro has subjected officers to hunger and humiliation (…) today All they demand is loyalty to the corrupt superiors, "indicating that these are just some of the reasons why many officers do not share the current guidelines of the company. And, because they were not followed, many were kidnapped, disappeared and held incommunicado.

"Today, there are thousands of military citizens thinking of deserting, how do thousands of civilians plan to leave the country: Venezuela needs them, it is time to fight to rebuild our families, "said Machado. Now I am going to the country to answer the false accusations of the regime!

– Maria Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) 29 June 2018


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