Macri pushes for a controversial reform of the Argentine Armed Forces


BUENOS AIRES (AP) – In a radical change in defense doctrine since the return of democracy in Argentina in 1983, President Mauricio Macri announced Monday a reform of the Armed Forces which extends its powers to internal security tasks, a decision that resulted in the immediate repudiation of human rights and opposition organizations .

You can also read: SEP concludes "It is important that they can collaborate with internal security, mainly by providing logistical support in the border area, and by intervening in the protection of strategic events", said the president at a press conference. act in the military base of Buenos Aires de Campo de Mayo.

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With this objective, the government will modify a decree of 2006 which delimits the to act of the armed forces before the external aggressions "when these are perpetrated by d & rsquo; Other states. "

The new resolution will refer to "external aggression", which will include not only states but also the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism. for example,

"We need our armed forces to face the challenges of the 21st century, but we have an obsolete defense system, Macri

The current doctrine of defense in Argentina – which limits the actions of armed forces – was adopted after the return of democracy in 1983. and judicial investigations that revealed the atrocities committed by the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

According to human rights organizations, 30,000 dissidents were killed during the regime The official figures give an account of 8,000.

Product of the resentment that the army generated in the political class, its action was limited by forbidding them among others the internal intelligence tasks.

"It is the task of the whole society to understand and accept The men and women of the 21st century armed forces are men and women of democracy" Macri said, anticipating criticism that the announcement of the reform was going to explode in part of the society

"This paradigm of new threats builds internal enemies and increases violence," warned the Center. Legal and Social Studies (CELS).

"It is linked to the repression of contestation and the use of military intelligence for espionage." Involving the armed forces in security tasks endangers your civilian government and human rights. Man … We must reject the reform and defend the strict separation between defense and security, "he added.

"We hope that the reform of the armed forces does not violate the law of internal security or the democratic agreement that the armed forces should not interfere in this case," said the center's wife – left Victoria Donda, daughter of disappeared under the last regime.

Meanwhile, the former defense minister under the previous Kirchner government, Agustín Rossi, said that "since 1983, our country's national policy has been to separate National Defense from Homeland Security. Involvement of the armed forces in the drug trafficking business is illegal.In countries like Mexico, Colombia, Brazil has failed and this decision has been overturned. "

The Minister of Defense Oscar Aguad said the reform plan includes "providing logistical assistance to security forces operating in the region". the northern border (Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil) to help deter transnational crime groups such as drug trafficking and terrorism from being settled in Argentina, should prevent them from entering our territory . " [19659002] For the moment, the government plans to promote the changes by decree and not by a bill sent to Congress."

"We know that this transformation will not be easy, the profound changes are never easy. I celebrate that we are united in a long-term policy. We take the first step to build modern, professional and equipped armed forces that Argentina needs, "concluded Macri

  • In this note:
    • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
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