Macron's bodyguard will appear in court [Internacional] – 07/22/2018


France.- Emmanuel Macron's security aide, Alexandre Benalla, dismissed for beating protesters and usurping the police function, could be indicted on Sunday, further aggravating the political crisis at a When the Opposition Justice announced Sunday that she had opened an investigation into charges of "violence in the assembly" and "interference in the exercise of violence". a public service ", following the attacks of Benalla the 1. next to Vincent Crase, employee of the presidential party LREM, and two reservists of the gendarmerie.

The event will be held Monday the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb, before a commission of the National Assembly to explain the case.

On Sunday, five people will appear in front of an investigating judge, including Benalla and Crase, filmed when they beat and beat protesters on May 1, while accompanying them as "… observers "of the police during the demonstrations of Workers' Day in Paris

Three police officers suspected of delivering images of security cameras in Benalla are also summoned before the judge.

The man who was assaulted during these protests asked to be interviewed later by the investigators who handle the case.

Since the beginning of last week, new revelations have emerged about Benalla's privileges. he was deputy to the chief of the staff of the presidency and responsible for security tasks, with an office at the Elysee and an accreditation to access the seat of the National Assembly (Parliament) [19659002HecontinueswithoutbreakinghissilencefacingthemostseriouspoliticalcrisissincehiselectioninMay2017

According to the weekly Le Journal du Dimanche, Emmanuel Macron spoke on the phone with Benalla, who was returned Friday, after the revelation of this case made by the newspaper Le Monde.

The presidential spokesman, Bruno Roger-Petit, said Thursday that after May 1 Benalla was "separated from his duties in terms of the president's safe travel arrangements". The same thing however appears in several recent images accompanying Macron or the presidential couple, including July 13 in the town of Giverny, Normandy, northwestern France.

"Emmanuel Macron will be responsible to the French," said Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the right-wing opposition party, while the leader of the radical left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, examined the case "at the Watergate."

"Macron-Case Benalla"

According to the spokesman of the ruling party The Republic in March, Gabriel Attal, if the president pronounced "about this case, he would find commentators indignant at the potential weight of his words in the investigations that are under way. "

" They would say that (their words) interfere, "said Marc Fesneau, head of the centrist MPs MoDem (an ally of LREM), s & # 39; Sunday to France Inf

The first to give explanations will be the Minister of the Interior Collomb, expected Monday morning before the commission of the laws of the Assembly.

According to the newspaper Le Parisien, on Saturday, there was a lunch to discuss the crisis. with Emmanuel Macron at the presidential palace of the Elysee, which brought together Collomb and the Minister of Justice, Nicole Belloubet.

Since Thursday, Parliament has been the scene of a fight on this issue that Republican leader Christian Jacob christened as "the Macron-Benalla affair".

This Sunday, the government decided to suspend the current constitutional revision, and then "resume it under more serene conditions."

In a tense climate, much of the opposition demands explanations from the highest level of government and requires the appearance of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe or "at least" the secretary of state to Relations with Parliament, Christophe Castaner. [19659002] "If Macron does not give explanations, the Benalla affair will become the Macron affair," writes Marine Le Pen, president of the far-right National Regroupement.

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