Madonna is accused of corruption in Portugal | who


Madonna has come out of the scandal for quite some time, in fact since the adoption of her little Stelle and Estere early 2017, she did not get married. is dedicated only to post very touching family scenes. However, today a situation that puts the queen of pop in the eyes of the hurricane has been discovered again, because it is said that the singer had preferential treatment of the Portuguese government, which sparked the controversy and embarrassment on the part of the lisboetas.

The controversy arose as a result of an article of the Portuguese Emanario Expresso this weekend, which announced the existence of a contract between the singer and the mayor of Lisbon. The document provides for the rental of land that can accommodate up to 15 vehicles a few meters from his residence on the banks of the Tagus .

This revelation provoked outrage in much of the Portuguese political class, who considered the American star to be the preferred one. Even the Left Bloc, an ally of the Portuguese government's socialists, has asked to regulate parking "with responsibility", given the difficulties that the Lisbonians have in this area.

The PSD (center), the main opposition party, wanted to know "the reason the mayor authorized such an exception". Fernando Medina the current mayor, accuses "the use of heritage for his benefit".

Faced with this accusation, the Lisbon City Council issued Monday contents of the contract concluded with Madonna whose objective was "to avoid more traffic problems in a narrow street but very busy".

The document, signed in January, provides for the payment of a monthly rent of 720 euros for the land and forbids the singer to access the neighboring palace, currently being negotiated to become the next embassy of East Timor

The contract will be concluded if Portugal and the Asian country reach an agreement to establish a diplomatic representation there.

It is important to mention that Madonna settled in Lisbon in the summer of 2017, following in the footsteps of important film personalities such as Monica Bellucci [194] 59004] Michael Fassbender and John Malkovich in addition to the shoe manufacturer Christian Louboutin . [ad_2]
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