Maduro accuses the United States of having "failed" with Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua


Caracas.- The Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, assured that the "failed"policies of United States he made his country, Cuba and Nicaragua lead Donald Trump has a "dead end" as far as these three nations are concerned, Washington said Thursday as "troika (union of three elements to find a goal) of tyranny" Latin American.

"Hope that someday the president of the United States I managed to see the reality of how they led to a dead end, to a repetition of unsuccessful policies of the past, of unsuccessful policies against Cubaagainst Venezuelaagainst Nicaragua"he said Maduro in an act of government Caracas.

"President Donald Trump I should open my eyes (…), the way, president Donald TrumpIt's respect, it's dialogue, it's joint work, "he added.

Statements of Maduro after the US government announced on Thursday that it would apply all the necessary pressures to governments Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua "fall".

"This is not the time to retreat, but to increase the pressure," he said. Miami the American presidential adviser John Bolton, with reference to the government of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, whom he christened as "the troika of tyranny" in the region.

Similarly Bolton He said that there would be new concrete measures against Cuba and Venezuela and United States hopes that there will be free and anticipated elections and that democracy will be restored Nicaragua, or the government of Daniel Ortega will feel "all the weight" US sanctions.

Today, too, the state government has announced sanctions against "illegal transactions" gold of Venezuela.

Maduro Not to mention these restrictions, he said that his country "does not agree to be sanctioned or blocked by any empire in the world", and that the success of the package that he launched there A few months ago to remedy the problems of the Venezuelan economy were achieved "like crazy for gringos".

"They are crazy because they know that we have followed the course and that the correction factors will allow to overcome the disturbances that the oligarchy creates for the economic processes of the country, we found the key", did he declare.


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