Maduro aims to build strong relationships with López Obrador


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated and sent his best wishes to Andrés Manuel López Obrador for his "historic" triumph in elections to Mexico and declared that he aspires to build strong bilateral relationships with the virtual elected president.

In a statement, the Venezuelan Government welcomed the demonstration of the democratic will expressed by the Mexican people in the Sunday elections

"In this sense, the President Nicolás Maduro transmits his Sincere congratulations and best wishes to the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, after the historic popular victory, the indisputable support of the vast majority of Mexicans and Mexicans, "he said. what will be the challenges facing the new Mexican leaders to strengthen independence and guarantee the social rights of the people of Emiliano Zapata and Benito Juárez, who honored him with such support

"Venezuela's Bolivarian government aspires to build, with the new Mexican government, strong bilateral relations, based on full cooperation, non-interference in internal affairs, and respect for the self-determination of our peoples. peoples. "

He affirmed that the peoples of Venezuela and Mexico are called to work" together to consolidate the process of unity impossible to set up in Latin America and the Caribbean " reaffirming our region as an area of ​​peace, prosperity, sovereignty and solidarity. "


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