Maduro forces soldiers to sign a loyalty card to promote them


Padrino López (on his back) is promoting the army yesterday,
in Caracas. Photo: Special

"Venezuela has the horizon to be a power of peace and we need a united, disciplined, subordinate, loyal, loyal to the country, loyal to the Constitution, loyal to the people Glorious Venezuela, loyal to his commander in the legitimate boss … Alert, army !, alert, armed force! Tighten your knees in the land in the fight against treason, in the fight against the oligarchy ", has affirmed on June 24 the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in a clear call to the Armed Forces, when he commemorated the Day of the Army. 19659003] The Chavez regime doubts the loyalty of the army: until 2018 ordered the arrest of at least 200 soldiers, most of them under the regime, accused of military rebellion and treason, according to the NGO control Citizen for Security, specializing in military matters. Now he has the army officers sign a document of "loyalty to Maduro" to access the promotions.

Graphic: The reason of Mexico

Yesterday, the Venezuelan government carried out the act of promoting 16 thousand 900 officers of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB), amid hundreds of arrests of Military men who rebelled against "Chavista's legacy" promoted by the Venezuelan president.

"Maduro deepens the methods of political control over the BANB that the Cubans devised for Chávez From the" fatherland, socialism or death "claimed as loyalty to the Revolution in 2007, now in 2018" the signature of personal loyalty to Maduro "is required," denounced the lawyer and activist Rocio San Miguel on his Twitter account.]

The Venezuelan Justice NGO said that on June 20, 150 members of the armed forces are in prison "for political reasons" and have denounced before parliament, the majority of the opposition, "torture" and "cruel treatment"

According to the president of the organization Citizen Control, "many officers late at night, not to sign" fidelity to Maduro ", new promotion requirement in the Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela, some of them first of their promotion. "

The promotion ceremony was led by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López, sanctioned by the European Union, the United States and Canada, for the direction of the crackdown on anti-human demonstrators. Chavez, during the demonstrations in April 2016, during which more than 130 people died

"Courage, discipline and loyalty are the principles advocated by the courageous men and women who make up the professional FAN troop, which today receives his deserved promotions. We evaluated the loyalty of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, in those officers who are now receiving their new ranks throughout the territory, "acknowledged the army chief.

Soldiers were raised in the positions of lieutenant and captain of the frigate, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense

  • El Dato: Nicolás Maduro today sees the military with suspicion, one of his main supporters with the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ)

Evo accuses the US of promoting intervention

President of Bolivia Evo Morales yesterday accused US Vice President Mike Pence of "convincing" some South American countries to intervene in Venezuela thus justifying their presence In a press conference held in La Paz, the Bolivian leader criticized Pence's new visit to the region and said that He "tries to convince some countries in the region permanently. Uruguayan, from Latin America, for an intervention in Venezuela. "

The US Vice President visited South America last week to meet the Presidents of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, and Brazil, Michel Temer, with the objective

according to Morales, "some presidents" of Latin America "confessed" that at the United Nations meeting last year, the US government called on them to pose the likelihood of an "intervention". "They are the presidents of the right and all opposed, and rejected," said Morales.

The head of state ruled that a military intervention in the Caribbean country would bring the On the contrary, he assured that if this occurred, "there would be rebellion."

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