Maintains dynamism in the labor market in Querétaro


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Source: Archivo

The dynamism of the labor market in Querétaro is maintained, due to the arrival of companies in the entity and the demand for staff in the various zones generated within the Enterprises, assured the president of the business center in the State of the Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Lorena Jiménez Salcedo.

He asserted, as well, that the level of local hiring continues, despite the economic and political situation that has arisen during the first half of 2018.

"The level of formal employment in Querétaro is strong, minimum wages are paid too, so there is this potential; what we should not do is stay in this comfort zone. then we have to keep working, "he said.

Between January and May this year, 20 thousand 18 new workers enrolled in Querétaro before the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). In this way, the state reports a total of 569,699 places, according to the agency data.

In an interview, Jiménez Salcedo emphasized the need to consolidate the migration of manufacturing processes, towards a knowledge-based work environment, where there is a collaborative environment between young people and older workers.

"We need to migrate from manufacturing to knowledge, where the subject of technology, innovation must be something everyday in business," he said.

"Young people, yes, bring the subject of innovation, talent, new technologies, what we see with the digital theme, but also, older people bring another experience, talent, so I think everyone adds, not just young people, you have to do team work, "he said.

The president of the Coparmex Querétaro reiterated, in this way, that there is room for everyone at the workplace in the state, where "everyone s & rsquo; add up and everyone has something to contribute. "

And, he added, universities should also expose their careers and their curriculum to what the production plant requires.

Regarding the promotion of actions through the so-called triple helix, the president of Coparmex Querétaro commented that the signing of recent agreements with organizations and institutions, as recently with the Chamber of Commerce and of the Mexican-German Industry (Camexa) and the Alliance for Innovation of Germany in Mexico City / Alianza del Pacífico, for the application of the alternating training model in the state, is fundamental to achieving greater development and growth of the productive sector.

He indicated that with this type of training, and the coordination and collaboration between the actors involved, it will be possible to increase the recruitment of young people and Querétaro workers.

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