Manufacturing, construction and trade decrease confidence in June


The Indicators of Business Confidence ( ICE ) showed downward results in June, in three economic sectors that he evaluates, reported on Monday National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Inegi )

The manufacturing contractors showed the greatest loss of confidence in June, reporting a drop of 0.7 points from the previous month, with which the indicator was at 49.03 points and accumulated 30 months below the 50-point threshold .

The manufacturing sector showed declines in four of the five items that it measures. Mainly highlighted the contraction of 2.2 points that was observed by asking entrepreneurs that they consider that it is the right time to invest, with which the indicator was set at 37, 5 points.

On the merchant side, ICE showed a 0.4 percentage point decrease from May, with which the indicator stood at 47 points and spun 43 weeks below the 50-point threshold .

In this area, falls were observed in two of the five items that are being evaluated. Traders have shown less confidence about the right time to invest and the country's current economic situation, at 22.7 and 38.6 points, respectively.

In the construction zone confidence fell 0.5 point in the sixth month of the year, with which the ICE was placed at 46.2 points, so that the indicator has accumulated 41 consecutive weeks below the point of equilibrium set at 50 points.

Three of the five points of investigation that Inegi raises, they walked on a negative ground, the right time to invest, decreased by 0.4 points (24.6 points), the Current economic situation of the country decreased by 1.5 point (to 38.9 points) and in the situation The economic future of the company also showed a contraction of 1 point (set at 62.2 points ).

Manufacturing Orders Decline

The indicator of p edidos manufacturers of June, showed a monthly decline of 0.30 points, so that it stood at 51 , 5 points, accumulating 106 consecutive months standing above the 50-point threshold.

Inside were observed falls in five of the seven assessed positions, where monthly declines of basic nonmetallic and metallic minerals (-2.1 points), metal products, machinery, machinery, etc. 39, equipment and furniture (-1.9 points) and food, beverages and tobacco stand out (-1.4 points)

The only increases over May were transportation equipment (0, 3 point) and textiles, clothing, leather and leather, wood, paper and others (0.5 point). ] [ad_2]
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