Manufacturing of rubber products increased after three years


In 2017, rubber tire manufacturing and retreading and tire rebuilding increased by 1.8%, due to increased demand, both external (increased tire exports) that & # 39; internally. The Institute of Economic and Social Studies (IEES) of the National Society of Industries (SNI) argued that this growth meant a slight recovery of the sector after three consecutive years of decline (-36.3% accumulated ).

However, the report from the IEES indicates that between January and April 2018, the tire, recurring and rebuilding tire manufacturing industry decreased by 6.3% compared to the same period last year. the same period of the previous year, due to the decline in sales

In the case of the manufacture of other rubber products, in 2017, an annual increase of 18.2% was reported , because of the greater productive activity of the mining sector associated with higher levels of investment in this sector compared to previous years. "This result translates into a recovery in productive activity as for the fourth consecutive year (2013-2016), industrial production of other rubber products contracted by 24.7%. In the first four months of 2018, the production of other rubber products resumed its negative trajectory and decreased by 9.4%, "says the latest sectoral report on rubber prepared by the IEES.

The number of credits requested by the industries Rubber and plastic reached 2,471 in April, so that Peruvian rubber and plastic companies that access the financial system have an average debt with the system of 1 million soles.

The contribution of domestic taxes of rubber industry has increased over time. Thus, we observe that in 2011, this industry contributed 84.9 million S / s to the tax fund, while in 2016, the domestic taxes contributed increased to 149.1 million. S / S, accumulating a growth of 75.6 million%.

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