Maradona needs knee prostheses for osteoarthritis


Diego Armando Maradona, Technician of Dorados Sinaloa of Mexico's Ascent MX, Suffers l & # 39; osteoarthritis and he must be operated put a prosthesis on his knees to end his walking difficulties, said his doctor, the Colombian Germán Ochoa.

In a video broadcast in Mexico, he drew attention as Maradona walked with slow pace and with some difficulty during a drive from Dorados, the club of Mexican ascent that he directed.

As explained on Friday Ochoa, the world champion in Mexico in 1986 is suffering from advanced osteoarthritis. He operated on his left knee in 2004 and returned to heal him last June.

"Diego, I know him well because I operated on his left knee 27 days before his football farewell at La Bombonera in 2004. And in June, before the World Cup, we treated him optimally so that he can carry out his activities in the World Cup in Russia, "said the doctor in Todo Noticias (TN).

Ochoa is a doctor at the American club in Cali and previously worked for the Colombian national team. The trauma specialist and the surgeon specified the following.

"Maradona suffers from severe osteoarthritis at both knees and he has no more cartilage." "The bones touch, the femur with the shin and the fibula, it's a serious problem because it causes a lot of pain, inflammation and difficulty moving," he explained.

A few weeks ago, the former 57-year-old Argentine coach acknowledged his problem.

"I want to work until they give me my knees, and the day they do not give me more, I go there," he said. Matias Morla warned that the former football player "was unaware of his physical limitations and that he was entering the battlefield as a" kid "of 20 years."

The doctor said that Maradona needed prostheses to solve the problem because "there is a gradual and total destruction of the cartilage, and on the contrary, if it is not resolved, the situation worsens because it advances, it is not necessary. "Stop not".

"Maradona knows that the solution is to operate and put a prosthesis on both knees.The decision to replace the joint must be taken in the short or medium term.The problem is that Diego is a young patient, but his knees have no other solution, "Ochoa told TN.

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