Marcelo will not play Mexico in the round of 16 because of injury | Selections




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Before the game ante Mexico coach from Brazil Selection Titus confirmed that the left back, Marcelo will not be in the game for the last 16 of 2018 World Cup Russia .

"I spoke with Marcelo, in a normal situation he would play, not you can put a player with this degree of difficulty, I told you, a technician can not put more than 45 minutes, what the medical team has said, we will not put anyone in danger. "

" Al The end of training has taught me that I can count on him, but we do not can not put the health of a player in danger. "

On Neymar, Titus said the PSG Neymar striker He returned to his game level after the injury before the World Cup [19659008] "There are things in the locker room that I can say and things that do not, it costs him to get back to his best level, he played a lot we will see, but today he is level , he has regained his level (Neymar). "

Following closely all the activity of the 2018 World Cup Russia.

For his part, Thiago Si lva ] noted that Mexico did what was necessary to be in the second phase of World 2018 . "Mexico deserves to be here for what it has shown in the group stage."

"I know Chicharito well, because I've faced him several times, but not just to watch him and the other strikers, Mexico has some very good players."

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