Marco Fabián violates FMF Code of Ethics


CITY OF MEXICO, (SUN) .- The Mexican national team, Marco Fabián de la Mora, is again in the crosshairs of all for extra-judicial situations. The player of Eintracht Frankfurt of Germany, who meets the Habs at the World Cup of Russia, violated the Code of Ethics of the Mexican Football Federation (FMF) with political proselytism.

Fabian appeared on Thursday at a place of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), accompanied by Mariana Boy, candidate for the post of head of the government of Mexico City

For the Mexican Football Federation, Marco Fabian participated in a advertising supporting the Green Party, does not derogate from any rule, as long as it does not wear any T-shirt, symbol or shield belonging to the national team of Mexico, the player can express his political ideas freely.

Political affiliation is the business of all, you do not have to be from one party or another to select, it was expressed by people of the FMF. However, in the code of ethics of the same federation, in its article 7, one can read: "Independently of the ideology of the people and the respect which is granted to them, any person subjected to the application of this Code of Ethics must maintain a neutral stance with respect to religious and political issues. "

The Code of Ethics aims to publish and disseminate the principles that every person involved in FMF and Mexican football must act

. In 2015, Miguel Herrera, Oribe Peralta and Fabián himself, supported the Green Party, which led to an investigation by the INE, and although they were eventually exonerated, they were sentenced to a fine of more than 100 thousand pesos the code of ethics in the section where political neutrality is sought

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