Maria Corina Machado responds to accusations of alleged military conspiracy | NTN24


Maria Corina Machado, National Sales Coordinator Venezuela, responded to accusations by Nicolás Maduro, who linked him to an alleged military conspiracy to arrest and prosecute him

Machado recalled the case retired lieutenant-colonel José Gustavo Arocha, who after fleeing Venezuela reported that ex-prosecutor Luisa Ortega Díaz was in an investigation against María Corina Machado, Antonio Ledezma and Pedro Mario Burelli, for alleged murder. "They wanted me to help them, they were obsessed with them," he said in 2017. The retired T / C said he could send a coded message asking for help for his Escape and that he decided to collaborate and record false accusations against Machado, to be granted a house of imprisonment and to flee.

On September 15, 2017, T / C Arocha testified before the panel of experts of the Organization of American States, to document evidence of crimes against humanity committed by the regime of Maduro, who had been tortured to accuse the opposition leader of the assassination.

Machado says that today, four years later, several officers have been tortured and threatened with filing a case of rebellion and murder against him.
The President of Venezuela Sale addressed to President Nicolás Maduro: "I already want it from Miraflores, but I want it to be alive for it to face justice that 39, he refused to Venezuelans. "

Machado said that Maduro currently has no control or leadership in the military institution and is primarily responsible for the degradation of the military function. "In Venezuelan barracks, there are no weapons, no boots, no uniforms."

"Right now, thousands of Venezuelan officers are considering asking for their losses." "Silent obedience in the National Armed Forces has been broken here."

Maria Corina explained that the reason for her persecution is because dedicated to touring the country and denouncing what is happening in the barracks of Venezuela.

Writing of NTN24 Venezuela

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