Maria Luisa & # 39; China & # 39; Mendoza, in love with words



I am a miraculous tightrope walker … How I do it is a mystery that I still do not understand. I'm doing too much; Every day I swear that it's the last day that I multiply so bothered and every day I have more to do than the previous one, "explains Maria Luisa China Mendoza in 1968 his inexhaustible activity, but no matter how much he swore, he also knew his stubbornness and stubbornness at work.

Still last Tuesday, he wakes up at five in the morning, he asks his niece Viviana what China arrived at Nutrition Hospital the day before to conduct studies.At that time, he began dictating his Saturday column for Excelsior The last, he will write after more than six decades of permanent work, whether as a novelist, author of news or screenwriter, but especially as a journalist.

At 88, death has interrupted his life yesterday.Tuesday afternoon, she suffered a tear respiratory station that forced doctors to transfer it to intensive care. In the early morning, around 1:20, the voice always fussy and uncompromising Mendoza China extinguished.

He was born on May 17, 1930, in the reserve The city of Guanajuato, Guanajuato; Member of a family of four brothers, two sons and two daughters, something must have happened in his childhood which, from an early age, never stopped working and being heard.

I always wanted to make a book. He had the idea and the need to do it, but his eyes did not help him much. She did not want to die, she said to me every day, "I'm not going to die, I do not want to die, I have a lot of things to do." Despite this, he remained strong and kept this atmosphere that characterized him very much, "recalls his niece, one of the four who survive him, along with his sister María Teresa.

China Mendoza studied Spanish literature at UNAM and interior decoration at Universidad Femenina de México Young, only 24 years old, began working as a journalist. "In journalism is where he has done a lifetime of continuous work. Her life was dedicated to cultural journalism (…) For me it was like a sister. We met at the elementary school, at the Women's University we were also together, and then in the theatrical criticism of the Association of Critics ", said the diplomat and writer Marcela del Río yesterday [19659006] Similarly, as a journalist, José reminded him of the Colina: "I was an excellent reporter, a great interviewer. We had some misadventure in this friendship, but she has always been an excellent journalist. "

Mendoza had to found, among others, the magazine The Woman of Today and the newspaper El Día but his collaborations reached countless publications in World Cinema, El Gallo Ilustrado, Sol de México, El Universal, El Zócalo, Weekend, Novedades, Revista Mujeres and, of course, Excélsior his last publishing house which publishes today his last chronicle.

The collaborating dean of Excelsior in an image taken on October 12, 1972. Photo: Archives Excelsior


] The recognition of China Mendoza was not only in journalism, in any case that is the word. In 1966, he wrote his first essay Critique of Criticism and between 1968 and 1969 his first novel, published in 1971, With him, with me, with us three says researcher Patricia Roses Lopátegui. "It's a pillar of 68" literature. The specialist also in Elena Garro warns that the writer is a special case in Mexican literature.

She was a generous and wise woman, a great renovator of language. Nobody wrote as he wrote China Mendoza in our Mexican letters. She is one of those writers who really liked the language, the Castilian language, renewed it, transformed it, made it theirs, "she says. "not so easy to assimilate", however ends up leaving a little lost and without readers to his books, opines Rosas Lopátegui.

For Elena Poniatowska her condition is Baroque. "She was very ingenious, very baroque, very spiritual, very creative and had a unique prose, his prose was really unique in Mexico. It was very direct and it helped to be a great theatrical critic, "he adds. The Poni remembers having attended his house to eat, loving his dogs (one of them named Lord Kegel, after urinating on the Deutsche Grammophon album). of Mozart), a great friend of all the intellectuals of the moment, euphoria activity.

She first married the journalist Eduardo Deschamps in Excélsior ; was her first husband, later with Domínguez Aragonés. He was very close to Hector Azar and he loved dogs, animals. At home, there were fantastic paintings of Alberto Gironella, she was a great admirer of Proust, she was a friend of all, a friend of García Márquez and Carlos Fuentes, "he adds

Mendoza a funeral home of Felix Cuevas. Behind her coffin, a black and white photograph reminds her of angelica, hung on her father's neck, a girl.

But it was not always like that, in fact, says lawyer José Elías Romero Apis, with whom China jokes that they were cousins, because They shared the Romero surname, she was one of the first critical voices that appeared on TV.

In the 1970s, Jacobo Zabludowsky began with his television program 24 Horas, China, to make a comment that was characterized by his penetration. Virtually all media are sharp and sometimes very aggressive, but at that time they were very soft and docile, especially with the government, and China was one of the first in front of a television camera that was strong and it lasts with the system, with the government, "he recalls.

The remains of China Mendoza will be cremated today and, at its request, its ashes will be transferred to Guanajuato to be deposited in the lighthouse of the city; he built that, he said, his father had built

According to his niece Viviana Mendoza the writer also left anticipating that his library and his archives were given in two parts: one to the University of Guanajuato and another at Museum of the Writer that René Avilés Fabila founded, another of his great friends of all life.

Until yesterday, a recognition in the honor of the writer did not materialize yet. However, in the afternoon, the Secretary of Culture, Maria Cristina García Cepeda, arrived at the funeral home, accompanied by the director of INBA, Lidia Camacho.

The official said that China Mendoza was a woman who lived intensely life, who gave his work to the culture of Mexico, who loved his state of Guanajuato and so participated in politics (being a deputy for his condition) and a woman to whom I must thank his friendship. Mexico owes a lot to this woman. Of course, we will pay tribute. It's a woman who deserves it. "



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