Mariana Boy will support Sheinbaum in her government program


The former Green Party candidate in the government Mariana Boy will support in her program the elected Prime Minister Claudia Sheinbaum . for his administration in Mexico City

In conference, Claudia Sheinbaum and Mariana Boy announced that they had an initial meeting to collaborate, although they assured that there was no proposal to include the former candidate PVEM in the cabinet .

"The commitment is with the City to improve the quality of life of residents and in this sense I appreciate the invitation to exchange opinions on how to add Efforts in this great project and challenge that comes, "said Tamborrell Boy.

"The invitation was to Mariana Boy but I dare to speak for the Partido Verd e that we are in the best position to support Claudia in this pro Let's join the the efforts of Mariana Boy as an individual and the Green Party, "he added

.The environmentalist commented that support does not imply obtaining it in back Spaces of Government or Legislative Power

Claudia Sheinbaum said that they were not talking about the possibility that Boy was in his office but that the The intention was "a first working meeting and invited to collaborate in the construction of his project" and added that the meetings will continue.

The former head of the Tlalpan delegation mentioned that They were talking about "serious problems of illegal real estate development" in the ca pity and he is interested in Boy's proposals such as the creation of a food bank

He says that during the campaign he was struck by several proposals of Mariana Boy to whom he expressed his appreciation, although clarified that there are ideas that do not agree with the green candidate.

Mariana Boy congratulated the Moreno and declared that the elected Prime Minister "brings a very good project to the capital"


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