Marko Cortés appears as the next national leader of PAN


With 79% of the votes, Marko Cortés Mendoza He was the winner of the National Party of National Action (PAN) internal election with which he would become the next national leader for the period 2018-2021.

At a press conference, Cecilia Romero, president of the electoral commission of PAN, said that with 70% of the tables counted, Marko Cortés had obtained 79% of the votes, against 21% of the votes cast. Manuel Gómez Morín.

He explained that at the national level, 60% of PAN members participated and that the final results should be ready on Tuesday.

In an interview with Publimetro, before the elections, he assured that his goal was to regain unity within the party. It would therefore work on the necessary changes of substance and form, in addition to taking over the civic causes that serve to convince and convince. external acceptance of it.

"It can no longer happen that we move to an electoral alliance without taking into account the militancy, we must listen to what they think and say, the latest results show that the alliance has not worked , PAN has been falling for 18 years. "

A counterweight to power

In his message of thanks, Cortes said that the challenge is to unite the party to put it in the right direction, "the NAP must be united so that the National Action can serve Mexico".

He said that it was necessary to remain united as a party in order to counterbalance power and to be the main political opposition force of the next Andrés Manuel López Obrador government.

"Mexico is not Venezuela and we will not let this authoritarian regime bring us to the situation of the brother country," he said. He also invited former PAN members who wish to return to the ranks of the albiazul.

He said that with the participation of over 60% of the people in the elections, his victory was overwhelming, but acknowledged that the challenges of the future will not be easy, including the extraordinary elections in Monterrey.

He also reiterated the invitation of his opponent Manuel Gómez Morin to be part of his working group within the PAN Political Committee, which he rejected via his Twitter account.

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The former federal MP maintained the "Return to Mexico in 30 Days" where he visited national activism to outline his political agenda for the next three years.

Among the main topics covered:

  • That the president and the secretary of the party be full-time: that they can never participate in any election during the three years of their election.
  • Have a change in the statutes. This will generate a regulated inclusion, in order to avoid that, when it is a project such as management or an application, a formula will take it all.
  • To resume the party training, we need to retake the PAN, which knows the principles and values, the ideas, what we think.
  • New Code of Ethics When it happens more than a PAN supports a candidate from another party or without a party. That all activists always support PAN candidates even if the candidate of their choice has not been selected or has not been nominated.
  • Resume the internal democracy of the PAN. The distribution of leadership must really be an exception
  • Affiliation opens Whoever wants to join can do so without hindrance.
  • PAN Government Model. Generate a model to create trust and acceptance in their governments to serve the opposition and in the government itself.

Great opportunity

María Eugenia Valdés Vega, sociologist and specialist of the electoral processes of the UAM, said that the institute was to be renovated in a very difficult climate, because it was very bad after the elections of July 1st.

"There has never been a correct or approximate calculation of what could happen, even if it was obvious that the triumph of the adversary, he never thought , irresponsibly, to the collateral effects of the alliance with the left parties (PRD-MC), "he told Publimetro.

How should the new party leadership be?

-The PAN must stop criticizing and start marking its presence against the majority, which is now Morena, to let the "blind sticks" and with their definition and identity consolidate as a responsible opposition.

They do not act like a party with chances of success, they should be almost as responsible as the government; It must mark its limits, be an effective counterweight and raise flags representing those who did not vote for the government.

What is the issue of voting this Sunday?

The life of the PAN is historic, because with PRD and PRI, they are part of the basic Mexican political system. For many years, party consciousness has been a criticism and a counterbalance will be needed now. Democracy is not just elections, it is a system where there must be an opposition that works for the majority and can win, which adds government followers to win positions.

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