Martha Erika leads with 7 points to Barbosa


Puebla, Pue. In the Puebla governance dispute, according to the preliminary results program of the State Electoral Institute (IEE), the coalition candidate Por Puebla al Frente would win the election by registering 40, 1% of the total votes; followed by Miguel Barbosa Huerta, the standard bearer of the Juntos Haremos Historia coalition, with 33.2% of the Morena party.

With only 112 records recorded of 7,548, or 1.4% of 100%, it was scored a small plus 7 percentage points between the two candidates to travel to Casa Puebla, where PAN is currently with Antonio Gali Fayad, who also arrived with a coalition.

In votes, out of a total of 30,077 posted until 12:15 at night, Alonso Hidalgo wore 12,089; the Morenoist 9,990; followed by the PRI, Enrique Doger Guerrero, with 5,482 (18.2%) and finally the flag bearer of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), Michel Chaín Carrillo, with 1,658, representing 5.5 percent.

Barbosa, the first [19659005] The standard bearer of Morena, Partido del Trabajo and Encuentro Social was accompanied by the candidate of the same coalition to the mayor of Puebla, Claudia Rivera Vivanco, to say that she had won . He stated that "all the polls give me a winner", so he ruled out that he was in a closed race with his opponent from Por Puebla al Frente, as he was manipulated into social networks based on surveys of the wife of the ex-governor Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas

The candidate claimed that the Morena-PT-PES coalition won the governorship, the senators, the majority of the federal deputies, the state capital and the majority of the local Congress and municipalities. In turn, PAN Alonso Hidalgo, also supported by the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), Social Pact of Integration and Engagement by Puebla, said that several polls at the Outcome give him triumph Manifesto as his opponent Barbosa Huerta lies, then came out to say that he won when he has the numbers below, so he's done all through the campaign "only cheat the poblanos. " In the case of the Puebla City Hall, the main of the 217 disputes of the state, with 114 minutes captured (1.5%) out of a total of 7,547, the preliminary results mark a close fight between the flag bearer of Por Puebla al Frente, Eduardo Rivera Perez, and the morenista Claudia Rivera Vivanco, who have 7,885 and 7,794 votes, which in percentage are 40.6% and 40.1% respectively.

Two murdered priistas and the theft of ballot boxes

Puebla, Pue. DAY OF ELECTIONS in the state left two members of the PRI killed in the municipality of Chignahuapan and stole ballot boxes with ballots mainly in different parts of this city, whose acts were carried out by armed men

. to publicize the killing of two activists in his house in an auxiliary council of Chignahupan. They are Fernando Herrera Silva and Lázaro González Hernández, who died as a result of gunshot wounds, while two other people are seriously ill.

Before this attack, in the early hours of Sunday, it was reported by the electoral authorities. a single incident in the municipality of Izúcar Matamoros, where 1650 tickets were stolen, as well as the late opening, until one o'clock, spaces in Angelópolis.

At 11:30 am the incidents increased, one of them was the bombing on the house of a general representative of Morena in a colony of that city, without injury .

Urns stolen armed

Afternoon reported the theft of ballots perpetrated by gunmen, who fired shots in the air to scare the polling stations and citizens who came vote

In section 1206, at Fundadores De Puebla Elementary School, 105 Poniente Avenue, in the Loma Bella neighborhood, there was shooting shortly after 4:00 am noon and, according to the report of a citizen, they stole about five boxes

in the private state school, auxiliary council San Sebastián Aparicio, a group of men is came to shoot a box in order to take the urns, that they broke and scattered.

In this case, armed persons entered the box in Article 1593, at the Cadete Vicente Suárez primary school, of the San Francisco Totimehuacán auxiliary council, to vandalize the elections, which explains why people did not continue to vote. In box 1372, located at the Jesús Reyes Heroles primary school, in the Bosques district of San Sebastián, there were also shots and thefts of urns

In San Pablo Xochimehuacán, two cases: one in the technical secondary school 44; in the Colonia Rosas del Tepeyac, belonging to section 1072, where there was an act of vandalism in the polls and, in the other, subjects arrived at the Emiliano Zapata primary school, in the colony Barranca Honda, in section 1078, to steal the polls.

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