Martin Bell Syndrome affects more males


Men are the first affected by Martin-Bell syndrome or Fragile X, which is characterized by inherited mental retardation, warned the specialist of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS ) Jalisco Patricio Barros Núñez. ] The researcher and academic coordinator of the West Biomedical Research Center (CIBO) of IMSS Jalisco added that the disease is of genetic origin and occurs due to the mutation of the FMR1 gene , "whose mother is a carrier, is in fact the first cause of hereditary mental retardation."

The specialist explained that alterations in this gene occur from this syndrome, "and according to the repetitions that occur, 39 is the severity or intensity of mental retardation ".

those who suffer from it, the most affected organ is the brain, so from the early stages begin a psychomotor retardation and a considerable percentage may also present Barros Núñez pointed out that it is at the l 39; preschool or school age "when symptoms of mental retardation clearly begin to manifest themselves, as poor performance and academic performance due to unlimited intellectual capacity are evident".

] Therefore, he indicated that if a diagnosis and an early intervention are made, the quality of life of the patient with this syndrome can improve considerably, since it is possible to become functional thanks stimulation and rehabilitation therapy

. ] Barros Núñez pointed out that the CIBO offers an accurate diagnosis of the disease, through the analysis and genetic study of blood samples, which mainly refer to this area as the third level hospitals of the 39; IMSS Pediatrics and Gynecology and Obstetrics

"The estimated incidence of this disease is one case per 3,000 births; once diagnosed by the genetic domain, they are referred to the medical units of the community. they are positive for specialized medical care and to advise parents. "



" The estimated incidence of this condition is One case per 3,000 births, once diagnosed by the genetic area, they are referred to medical units if they are positive "
] Patricio Barros Núñez, CIBO researcher

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