Martínez Alcázar relies on a different scenario after the final count of the votes


Morelia, Michoacán.- "Voting by vote and box by box"; So, recalling what happened during the presidential election of 2012, Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, former independent candidate for the presidency of the municipality, told the media that he would wait for the final countdown on Wednesday by the Michoacán Electoral Institute (IEM).

And did Martínez Alcázar, say that there were multiple inconsistencies on the first of July, before which he does not trust the results that the Preliminary Program of Electoral Results ( PREP).

They give the victory to Raúl Morón Orozco, representative of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and the Labor Party (PT).

  There are many anomalies, underlined Martínez Alcázar

There are many anomalies, pointed Martínez Alcázar
(Photo: Archivo)

Although he did not specify, since he said that he was expecting the IEM account, he listed some of them questions that trust him that the situation can be reversed until this Tuesday.

For example, he assured that there are significant differences between the sheets that are placed outside the Casillas, accounting for the number of votes received for each political expression, and what has been recorded in the minutes.

of squares they voted on two occasions and ballot boxes with surplus votes.

There are many anomalies, pointed out Martinez Alcázar, which is why he did not make any pronouncements regarding the election of the municipality.

We are waiting for the final count of this Wednesday, he said, and to review the circumstances mentioned, especially because the difference of just over two percent between him and Morón Orozco makes him hope for a panorama. different .

Once all these issues resolved, it was said that he was in the best position to accept what the election throws, since he qualified as a democrat; respectful of feeling and decide majorities.

It should be added that in the first results launched by the PREP last Sunday, the independent candidate was in the lead, having counted 5 thousand 174 votes in favor of the municipal president with license seeking to be re-elected.

While Morón Orozco added 4 thousand 45, which later would change in favor of this, when with an advance of 93.59 percent in the calculation of captured records, 77 thousand 451 votes in his favor and 70 thousand 439 for Martínez Alcázar

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