Mary Boquitas and the message that sends Gloria Trevi by the word


Maria Raquenel Portillo better known as Mary Boquitas, Said to feel identified with the speech Gloria Trevi gave in the last edition of Latin AMAHe also thanked the Regia for cleaning up his honor at events related to his daughter Ana Dalay.

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"I am delighted that Gloria has dedicated this moment to all women who have been abused and abused by a man." I felt included and validated in his words, just as I think other young women, women of today, felt involved. in the case, "said Mary in his message.

In a letter posted on her Instagram account, the singer known as Mary Boquitas talked about the remoteness between Trevi and her.

"As we know, Gloria and I live together very bitter moments and, in many cases, these extreme situations unite, but separate," he explained.

"Only we know how much we suffer and why we decided to take separate paths, I understand it and hope that she understands me."

But, Mary's biggest concern, which really hurt her in more than 15 years, she said, is what's been said about her in one of the books dealing with the story of the so-called Trevi-Andrade clan.

"This is the great slander that has arisen against me, without any evidence, without reasons, or evidence, based solely on unclear paragraphs from the book of one of the people involved and whose truth was denied by other witnesses, "he explained.

"According to this big lie (which I think the author did not forged with malice, but because of the confusion and pressure of the moment), María Raquenel Portillo Jiménez, had participated in the disappearance from the body of Ana Dalay, Gloria's baby, in the most cruel and grotesque way ".

In this letter, Raquenel assured that it was not so and that he lived in expectation of the moment when this was clarified.

"Gloria was the only person who could deny such a hoax and clean up my reputation." For years, Gloria decided to shut up and I respected her, because she alone knew the pain at the root of this terrible loss.

In this note:

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