Mauricio Clark photo apparition of the Virgin Mary in a tree


After being one of Televisa's well-known conductors, he confessed to being heavily addicted to drugs and declared himself homosexual. Mauricio Clark He has turned 180 degrees in his life and has made controversial statements in recent months.

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One of them was that he had been cured and had stopped being gay, which caused many reactions. In fact, he even offers lectures and lectures for people to "stop being gay".

After that, he focused much more on religion and Mauricio is now back in the eye of the hurricane, ensuring that the Virgin Mary

According to Clark, the Virgin was represented in a tree in her house. She took a picture and shared it with those who did not believe it.

"For those who asked me and who assure me that I stole this picture, I share with you how the Virgin who appeared in one of the trees of my house has continued to take shape, "wrote Clark. He wrote in his Instagram account.

He also shared the text of a book that he read about the importance of the Virgin Mary in life.

Here are the pictures:

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