Mauricio Sahuí rejects the post-election conflict in Yucatan


The candidate of the coalition PRI-PVEM-New Alliance to the government of Yucatan Mauricio Sahuí excludes the possibility of a post-election conflict in the state, saying that there is no condition or reason for this.

After voting in the box installed at the primary school Felipe Carrillo Puerto in this city, the PRI flag bearer called the political actors Respect the popular will and the vote of the citizen.

"We do not like Yucatecans conflict, I believe we are very respectful of the results, we have always been, there are no conditions, there is no of reason for a post-election conflict.In an election, you can win by one vote, by ten, by mile, by 50 thousand, we do not know, but in the end you win in a process with the rules we have all very clearly, we must respect them and respect the will of the citizens.

Sahuí has thus responded to his adversary Mauricio Vila from the front PAN-MC who disdained in the morning the quick account of the election [Gouverneur] which will announce the Institute of Electoral Participation and Citizen (Iepac) of Yucatán .

The Covenant PAN-MC also has abstained from signing the Civic Agreement that the day before the election day has subscribed t the state government and the heads of state of PRI PRD, Morena, PVEM, PT, New Alliance and Social Encounter.

The candidate for the governor urged the contenders to wait for the citizens to define their flight A majority, but argued that "when the trends are irreversible, they are irreversible, and we are very optimistic. "

Sahuí moved to his country house to follow the electoral process throughout the state, accompanied by his principal collaborators

The night, once the Iepac Spreads the fast counting trends, the PRI candidate plans to deliver a message and set its positioning from the Merida Presidente Intercontinental Hotel.



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