Mauricio Vila Dosal is already elected governor of Yucatán


The elected governor of Yucatán Mauricio Vila Dosal has today He gave a message of optimism towards a better quality of life for all Yucatanese and assured that he will fulfill the mandate of the citizens who took him to power with his votes.

In a ceremony of awarding the record Governor elected in the Electoral Institute and P Participación Ciudadana ( Iepac ), in the industrial district of Ciudad, Vila Dosal received the support of the Yucatecans who arrived in cars from different neighborhoods of Merida and various parts of the state to participate in the latter of the election last Sunday

The Governor elected, in a conciliation demonstration, demanded applause for his losing opponents Mauricio Sahuí Rivero, PRI; Joaquín Díaz Mena, Morena; and Jorge Zavala Castro, of the PRD

He also offered the support of the Yucatecans and works in coordination with the next President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador to improve the living conditions of the mandate of the citizens is clear: the Yucatanese want innovative governments, but this innovation is not only about economic growth, but also solves old and delicate problems such as health, education and wage inequality ", The Governor-Elect

Vila has offered open doors and a dialogue with all those who want to dialogue and build the best Yucatan of all time.

The arrival of thousands of thousands of people. adepts in Iepac offices caused serious road and pedestrian problems.which motivated the intervention of agents of the Ministry of Public Security who ordered a transit operation to to guarantee the safety of the pedestrians and guiadores when leaving the place.- (By Joaquín Chan Caamal ).

More information tomorrow in the Diario de Yucatan

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