Mauricio Vila Dosal was the first to declare himself the winner of the elections


MERIDA, Yuc.- PAN Mauricio Vila Dosal assured that the triumph that they are heading for the governorship "no one takes it from us" and expressed his approval with the results: "We are very happy with the results of the exit surveys.We have a strong participation, higher than 70%."

Vila Dosal, standard bearer of National Action and Movimiento Ciudadano as a common candidate for the governance of Yucatan, was the first, accompanied by his chief of state, Edgar Ramírez Pech and the representative of the National Executive Committee (CEN) Juan Pablo Adame, in declaring himself the winner of the race, based on the results of an exit survey, a few minutes later at 6 pm, while the closing hours of the boxes came from ;finish.

"The Committee sent an investigation in which we placed ourselves with a five-point advantage, Mauricio Vila Dosal has 38 per cent, PRI 33 per cent and Morena 22 per cent. will have a governor and his name is Mauricio Vila Dosal, "said Juan Pablo Adame, special political delegate of the National Executive Committee of the National Action Party

PAN President Edgar Ramírez Pech said his candidates for the governorship and mayor of Merida were at the front. In a press conference in a hotel on Colon Avenue, shortly after 23 hours, where Vila Dosal was not present, nor the Merida candidate, Renán Barrera Concha, Ramírez Pech said that according to the internal ballots, In fact, he assured that in the case of governance, after calculating 39 percent, they go from the front 10 points "and the trend continues to increase. C & # It is a triumph for all the Yucatanese who have come to show their desire for change, "he said.

In the case of the mayor, Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, chairman of the Municipal Committee, said that they were up 16 After congratulating the people of Yucatan for his great participation in these elections, Ramírez Pech invited the citizens to go out and defend their votes until they have the last ballot.

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