Mayor and businessmen worry for El Muletas in Tehuacán | Municipalities of Puebla


Tehuacán, Pue.-After the federal police and the army arrested in a subdivision of this city, Luis Enrique Gamboa Sosa, alias "El Muletas", alleged operator of the cartel Sinaloa in Chihuahua and Puebla, mayor of Felipe Patjane Martínez and businessmen stressed that the stay of this type of chef in Tehuacán is a concern, while applauding this assurance.

They apprehend the cartel operator of Sinaloa, TehuacánRegidores demand the resignation of the secretaries of TehuacánThe president of the municipality, Felipe Patjane Martinez, said that the actions taken to ensure this capo would be important for the citizens, as it would bring more results in terms of security and would begin to dismantle the narcomenudeo at the federal level.

To the extent that it will also be worked in the local thing in this type of illicit and we will seek a greater bond with them, to be able to make it a common front, as much for the ordinary crime as for the organized crime.

He mentioned that he applauded this type of action and that he feared that this detention was recorded in Tehuacán. He will therefore look for ways to protect the city immediately in order to avoid another similar offense.

He said that the insurance of "El Muletas" showed that insecurity under the previous administration had increased a lot, but that everything had to be done to reduce the crime rate.

"That's why I applaud this fact.I am happy because we are going to have a lot of information on what may still be happening or on what is happening in Tehuacán," he said. he declares.

He added that he did not want the "cockroaches" effect to be recorded as a milestone in Veracruz when crime began to be fought. So, once the crime rate is reduced in the city, work is done in the area so that they can work together. Security Question.

For his part, Jorge García of Cadena Romero, president of the Tehuacan Poultry Farmers Association, said it was worrying that this type of organized crime insurance was under way in the municipality and that Tehuacán was again a national news. these facts.

He stated that he hoped that the state and the federation would continue to work with intelligence so that this type of action could be carried out without major event that could harm the bad perception of the city.

He acknowledged that this is not the first time that the arrest of organized organized criminals in the municipality is recorded, which means that "if they come, it is because someone welcomes them", he therefore hopes that this city council will not do and no longer come to Tehuacan.

At the same time, Gerardo Hernández Moguel, president of the National Chamber of the Processing Industry (Canacintra) Tehuacán, said it was important that these arrests occur, as they will investigate related persons and likely to be more related. insurance, to dismantle this network of organized crime.


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