Mayor rejects bureaucrats after losing elections in Pajacuarán, Michoacán


PAJACUARÁN, Mich. (Approve) .- The mayor of this city, María Elena Macías Sánchez, candidate of the Mexican Convergence Party (PCM), began firing her employees after losing the elections to be re-elected in this municipality that Morena-PT won

. Bureaucrats affected, the reason for their dismissal was not discussed, but last Monday, when they tried to enter the town hall, they were no longer allowed to enter the facilities on the instructions Elena Macias, who had lost the opportunity the previous day Even some of the workers said that they had the right to see that they would have been fired because they were not did not support the mayor's re-election aspirations in elections, and therefore they would not work for the mayor's office either

. the municipal administration, although the official version justifies an emergency cut in the item of current expenses, so that resources were not already available to cover current expenses. The payroll of the last months of the current management.

Affected said that layoffs, especially in the administrative fields, are a thing of everyday life, with which, gradually, there is a paralysis in the municipal services.

In addition, the dissidents circulated one of the videos of the events of the campaign in which the mayor emphasizes that those who do not support their electoral project would be considered as "traitors" to his administration.

"I said that people who got a job and who now bite their hand, people who have been fed, mean that he's going to betray his municipality," warns Elena Macías in the part of one of his speeches.

There is also a video in the Treasurer Silvestre Alejo firing the workers with the argument that they betrayed the trust of the licensed mayor.

Up to now, they have been fired, public security, DIF system, secretaries, health center where the municipality has supported the salary of a dentist and a general practitioner [19659002] In an open letter, the former mayor José Castellanos Higareda, as a municipal columnist, asked the mayor to measure in his decisions that affect not only the economy of the dismissed workers, but affecting the life together reducing the operability of services.

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